This series will probably be a crucial nail in my decentralized coffin ... but what can I tell you ... when the atmosphere gets dull and suffocating, it's time to let the wind blow all the crap away ... or back in my fucking face.
As always here on Hive, the less colorful stuff than usual I wrote late last night in Photoshop, is my work.
This is one school of thought I am trying to understand 🤔
Good 😃 keep trying until you find something better to do.
Hahaha so funny of you ...
Feels good to drop by though 🤗
😃 Thanks. Nice to have met you through these comments.
And this employee has to work very hard to get good payout 😜
You can choose your working hours, at least. 😂
Hahah...and take leave whenever you want 😜
... yep ... that's the ultimate freedom 😀
How acidic!
😭 I feel addressed
No, why? 😃 Just write, photograph, be yourself, and enjoy your virtual existence. Be free ... I mean, try to be and have fun 😀trying
Thanks friend, but I think I have to look for a job 😐
Viva viva viva Hive también Croacia y Venezuela los mejores países del planeta.
Ja ja ja ja ja ... you see 😂 I learned how to laugh in Spanish without Google Translate!
esa es la actitud... jajajaja
@siphon sent you LUV 🙂 (1/4)
Made with LUV by crrdlx
A very subtle way to motivate people to work hahahaha, I already feel motivated reading this, so I will continue working and working, YOU are a great motivator hahahaha
Food for thought 🤔
😃 For those who like their food for thought salty & spicy. 😀
Oh I am not a newbie but ,so wow it hits me so hard😥
Don't take it too seriously, though. 😀 Enjoy your virtual existence.
Surely will do🤗Greetings
I am not sure I completely grasp the sentiment in this one but lemme give it a stab.
For people investing time on hive in hopes of it being the lottery ticket and justification of avoiding work in the real world, it is going to be tough sledding. Can you imagine how depressing a bear market is when you have no other irons in the fire?
I have gotten it to the point where I can engage and try to post daily while holding down a job, family, and volunteering in the community. No way for it to get stagnant here as I can just focus my attention elsewhere and it is fresh when I come back.
Following blogs by people out there kicking it in the real world is so much more fun to follow and I endorse your motivation to get a job and make progress other places in parallel to the blockchain.
I'm glad you wrote a comment, that's for sure. 🙂 The statement is purposely vague, ambiguous, maybe serious, maybe ironic, or cynical, it can be perceived from more sides becouse, like always in this series, it isn't meant to be a useful or definitive wisdom.
It reveals something about how things here work but it doesn't try to explain everything. So yes 🙂 the things you wrote make sense just like some other things would.
Life ain't easy, I guess, that could be the point 🙂but fortunately, it can be fun from time to time ... and ridiculous too ...
Since it seems that engagement is some kind of priority above all priorities here on Hive 😃is great that you engaged.
And since this thing I wrote made you engage 🙂 maybe this ended up being a bit more than a short shitpost I planned to create.
Shit conversations with good people in your network ALWAYS end up with some sort of progress. So shit onwards!!
👍😀😂😀👍 That's the right spirit!
Let’s get the job then!
Let's work! 😂 You go first though ... I'm not in the mood right now ...
Okay no problem
I'm not employed man, I'm a creator and creatives 😎🥂😄
👍😀👍 That's the right spirit! The spirit of a true freelancer. 😂 I love the segment "free" of that word even if it means broke in some cases & some periods.
True! That's facts bro on some point free is freedom but also people who loves free money and free items are literally broke people. I am broke but I still have a dream and goal. 🍻🫡😎
Such message is open for multiple interpretation? Hehe
😂 Yes, I'm always careful to make this type of message interpretable in more than one way 😀 I don't wanna end my Hive career too soon just for a bit of fun.
#hive #posh
We work on top of this platform and can say that we are not working under anyone, we create our own content by doing our own work.
😃Free as a working bird 😃
Elaborate please
Nope. 😀 That's too much work I'm not employed to do.
Glad you commented, though. 🙂Hive on, have fun, and may your day be great.
Thank you. I was scrolling looking for context tho hahaa. English is not my first language