Yeah, I mean ... I smoked me some good lettuce and I started thinking a bit about the world and all that stuff, you know ... and ... look, the Earth was flat once upon a time ... but it was a looong, very damn long time ago, nofuckingone remembers those times becouse there wasn't anyone around, I suppose ... yeah ... anyway, the Earth was flat but then got inflated, like a lovely oversized balloon made for children. You see - that explains everything. We could make the earth flat again, sure ... but why? The round Earth is much more fun. You can spin it, it could bounce, and do all sorts of crazy stuff. A flat Earth is flat on quite a few levels and therefore ill-suited for fun in space.
You heard it here first. Long live the truth and anarcho-capitalism ... whatever that means.
The unrelated picture of some lovely flowers is my work ... I took the photograph ... long ago ... in the jungles of Jupiter ...
Posted using LasseCash
The round earth is certainly more fun! That must have been some very nice "lettuce" that you smoked, what strain was it?
O, I don't know ... it was the only lettuce that the local dealers have on offer these days in the small town where I live. It's a small market, not many strains and no one talks about their technical details ... it's just " I have some good shit, dude, believe me ... you may think is expensive, but you'll see when you try it ... and so on " 😁 Quite amateurish, I must confess.
That sounds like some great shit, exactly the kind I like!
Enlightening lettuce
Yes 😀 It can turn the lights on and make the night brighter sometimes.
and that is the beautiful thing about lettuce it takes you to cloud 9 and tells one the out most truth
Yes. 😃 It's a good cloud to visit from time to time.
This is really looking so amazing and looking so beautiful I must confess
Great to hear this sincere confession. 😃
Haha, some things can make you imagine beyond reality 😅
By the way, you could be right, the earth was flat and not spherical in shape.
That picture is beautiful. I never knew that Jupiter has a jungle😂
🤣 🌱 😄
Must have been some damn good lettuce!
😁 Not too bad ... for a lettuce ... 😂
Lettuce took you to a different world entirely