Yes, I'm absolutely positive that this bloody post will end the epic positive shitpost trilogy I started late last night in a most satisfying and positive way.
As always in this most positive of all positive platforms, all the positivity that drips from this post like the blood drips from a positively open wound, not only is my work but also my positive contribution to the overall positivity of the hyper-positive atmosphere here on Hive, our most beloved free blockchain that oozes freedom from all its pores, hexagonal cells, and wonderful communities.
Oh, fuck. 😂 Never thought about that before. Hexagonal cells! What else is hexagonal in crypto?
Hex! Jesus fucking Christ - Hex!
Do Hex and Hive have something in common? Do they share the same heart?
Is it time to get a conspiracy theory out of this?
I don't know. 😂 I'm just a positive dude who doesn't like to think too much for fear of getting negative.
Here is a shit but positive comment from me.😂
This is some great shit. 😂 Thank you,
Your positive trilogy has really embraced hexagonal vibes! Keep spreading those positive hexagonal waves!
Think positive say positive remain positive 👍😃
👍😃 👍... and the most important thing, at the end - die positive
If you want to be successful in life, you have to think positively and have a good attitude towards people.
Yes. 😂 It is especially important to have a good attitude towards disgusting hypocrites with plenty of money & power. That's the way that leads to a promised land of abundance.
Yeah I totally agree with you.
Thinking positive is thinking forward
Let’s keep being positive!
Yes, but only about positive stuff.
Is everything alright with you? ;)
In the end positivity will win!
It has won already.😄 It all positively ended in laughs. 😄
Continue being the positive guy. But I think entertaining some little negativity from time to time helps. Especially here on hive! Please I typed this by mistake. Pretend you didn't see. 😜
Wise words. 😃 A bit of salty critical negativity is much needed. Absolute positivity is dumb, suffocating, and inhumane brain fuckery.
Indeed. Thanks for the compliment.
Keep spreading positivity... the world needs this 😜🙂
Hex... Yes you cast a spell of positivity, it is a movement and I'm a willing disciple, so let's spread positive vibes around here.💯
Positive thinking contributes to one's general well-being and reading your posts, one must be infected with shitloads of positivity. No worries, be happy 😊
No hay más positividad positiva que estar siempre optimista, y ensangrentado pones el positivismo cuando aparece la envidia la maldad y querer hacer algo que no te haga crecer, mi humilde opinión.
Positive attitude is what is highly needed. Highly needed
W#e all have to be high on positivity. 😃
No matter what, we need to stay positive