You Are A Badass (The Power of Perception and Manifestation)
The first step we all need to take in order to manifest what we want from life is to "start to develop an awareness of, and relationship with, the energy that surrounds you and within you."
I know it sounds like some ✨good vibes✨ mojo -- because it is! Or, you may be more familiar with the scientific term of The Law of Attraction. The basics of it is that the entire universe, and everything within it, are made up of energy. All energy vibrates at different frequencies, and vibrations will attract similar vibrations.
It's quite simple! When we feel and choose to feed off our negative emotions (pessimism, victimhood, depression, etc.) -- literally in a low mood -- we in turn vibrate at that low frequency. Keeping the Law of Attraction in mind, that those vibrations will attract similar vibrations, it is no wonder then that we attract more bad things while in these moods!
Even worse if somebody is vibrating at that low frequency, yet expecting high frequency/good things to occur! It is a recipe for disaster.
"Similar to a radio, you need to raise your frequency to match the vibration of the one you wish to tune into."
And the easiest way to do that, is by believing that everything you want is already available to you -- because it is!
Everything -- everything that you want to manifest into your life is already here! The money that you need, the person that you're going to marry, your dream home -- it already exists along with you. That alone is incredible!
Or think of it this way: people who have wanted the same wishes as you have achieved them. What is to prevent you from accomplishing the same?... (Nobody needs to hear about how poor or lazy you are, thus making the feat impossible; those are excuses you choose to live by)
The next step is to have faith in the not-yet-seen and the unknown -- because if you did know how to achieve the life you want, you would obviously already be living it!
No, a large part of the process will be getting past your fears and trusting in the unknown. Think of it like electricity. Electricity always existed and surrounded us, but it wasn't until it was harnessed and transformed into the light bulb that we could finally see it at work. Faith, and the manifestation of the things we want, work in a similar manner.
"When we're in fear, we hold on to what we have because we don't trust that there's more. We pinch off energy and focus on the very thing we're hoping to avoid, which is lack."
A good way to combat fear is through gratitude. Gratitude is one of the easiest ways to improve your mood, and thus your frequency. Think about the difference between somebody dying of laughter vs. somebody dying of laughter at something you said. In the second situation, they feel good, thus making you feel good for making them feel good! 😄
Practice gratitude, even in the face of adversity. Of course it is easy to get swept up in a hurt victim mentality when we experience struggles but at the end of the day, we need to be able to accept it happened, release everything, and move on.
I am grateful to have experienced the trials and tribulations in my life thus far, and I always try to welcome more with an open mind. I'm grateful because they have shaped me into the person I am today (and I'm quite proud of the person I am, so that's a good thing! 😂). My experiences have given me a unique perspective on life, and the wisdom that I will pass onto my children makes me a phenomenal parent.
So once we recognize our flaws, practice gratitude, stop caring about anyone's opinions, and let go of the past, it is time to let go of fear and finally commit to the big decision.
"Have you ever noticed how a bunch of people can attend the same course, all get the exact same information and tools, but only some will come out and totally rock it? ... It's the ones with the proper mindset who will succeed."
Again, start visualizing and manifesting what you want from life! One of the tips the book recommended was a vision board -- a collage of pictures and things that make you happy -- and I decided to take this advice. Here is mine! I keep it above my bed so that it's the first thing I see every morning.
My main focus is acquiring enough money to purchase a motorhome; once I achieve that, I'm able to live the life I finally want (with my family, of course!). So my board consists of a variety of places and things I intend to do after that: seeing the Northern lights, performing karaoke, bonfires, visiting Newfoundland...
"Fear lives in the future. Fear itself is entirely made up because it hasn't even happened yet."
If you're having trouble overcoming your fears, remember all of The Great Ones who came before you who experienced failures and overcame their fears!
▪️ Michael Jordan was rejected from his high school basketball team
▪️ Steven Spielberg was rejected from film school 3×
▪️ Dr. Seuss' first novel was rejected 27×
Or, my personal favorite, Henry Ford, the first man to accomplish an 8-cylinder engine. The idea came first, the work second, and naturally many people tried to discourage Ford: "It simply isn't possible!" Multiple times his team of engineers would return to tell him the terrible news: "We have failed..." And each time Ford would tell them to try again!...
...Until finally his team of engineers returned with the impossible: they had made an 8-cylinder engine.
All of this had been accomplished thanks to a man who had not even finished the 6th grade (yet there he was, bossing around some of the world's smartest engineers!). Not only that but he did it while completely bankrupt!
"Ford already had plenty of proof that he was capable of failing on a massive scale, but his faith in himself and his idea was so strong that he stuck with it, in spite of everything else."
And now look at Henry Ford's empire! One of the largest automobile industries in the entire world, for over 100 years!
The rest of the post are quotes and passages that I want to keep with me:
"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom."
- Anaïs Nin
"You are a victim of the rules you live by."
- Jenny Holzer
"I'm not offended by dumb blonde jokes because I know I'm not dumb. I also know I'm not a blonde."
- Dolly Parton
"You are never alone or helpless. The force that guides the stars guides you too."
- Shrii Shrii Anandamurti
"The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking."
- Albert Einstein
"Forgiveness means giving up all hope for a better past."
- Lily Tomlin
"You don't paddle against the current, you paddle with it. And if you get good at it, you throw away the oars."
- Kris Kristofferson
"I have lived a long life and had many troubles, most of which never happened."
- Mark Twain
"God will not have His work made manifest by cowards."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
"We tiptoe through life hoping to safely make it to death."
- Unknown
"What you choose to focus on becomes your reality."
- Jen Sincero
I love your vision board 😍 I have mine on my laptop wallpaper.
Thank you so much! 🙏 If you share yours I'd love to see it 🥰