Guarantee You've Never Heard This Feel-Good Tune


Here is another tune that I would like to share with you all. If you are a fan of feel-good funk music, then get ready to hear your new favourite song!

So this song's history is an interesting one. I cannot for the life of me recall why it was that I had first heard this song; I think I had downloaded an app at the time, to help me discover new songs. Really underground, niche recommendations -- artists that you've never even heard of before!

This song happened to be one of them.

Had never heard of the song, had never heard of the artist -- and a Google search led me to an unknown website called Bandcamp. Well, unknown to me anyway! It's a website that allows "no name" artists to actually get their name out there, as well as options to support said artists. And that's exactly what I ended up doing! I couldn't afford much at that moment, but I managed to donate $5 to show my appreciation for the song. In turn, I was given access to then download said song.

(I know it would be easier to share as a YouTube link, but given that this isn't my content to share, I really hope people are able to support this artist via Bandcamp. They have a ton of other great songs as well! There is even a remix of Michael Jackson's You Rock My World!)

So the song is called Let's Go Out Tonight by Stereoplastic. (According to their Bandcamp profile, they are from the Dominican Republic, which I thought was really cool. I never would have expected sucha funky disco vibe to originate from there!).

(Image created using an AI art generator on Night Cafe)

Perhaps "originate" isn't the correct term however, because this isn't an original song at all! It is actually a remix of the song Mind Up Tonight by Melba Moore. (And the only reason I know that is because of a desperate lyric look-up!) Funnily enough, I had never heard of this artist either, but that can probably be contributed to the fact that this song is from 1983 and I wasn't born until 12 years later.

We would not be able to appreciate the remix without the original, but it should go without saying that the remixed version is much better, in my opinion anyway. There's something very infectious about this version; the feel-good beat alone has gotten me through some very tough times 🙏 I hope you are able to come to appreciate this song as well!


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Nice Track😊🕺✨ Original & Remix
Nice Find!
