RE: The Work-Life Balance Agenda.

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It's a popular topic for people who have the option of balance, versus those who must work arduously just to get by. You need a strong and healthy mind and body to work, and thus work and life are not exclusive. If you're lucky, "work" also feeds your life interests, thus overlapping the two.
As for wealth, it can be important, but the primary reason for more money isn't wealth as much as choice. By building your financial value, you are giving yourself more choices in where and how you spend your time and money. You are also improving the ability to walk away from people or situations that you view as unsafe or unethical. That is powerful.


This is true. I particularly like the point you made about how having more wealth puts us in a position where we can walk away from an unsafe or unethical situation.

A lot of people have to deal with such situations in their workplace or country. Yet, they remain in such situations because they lack the Finances needed to make a change.
