The usual distractions.


The usual distractions. .

Things are happening in the world that are apparently very relevant, whether in your country, on your continent and in the world, and they are things that exhaust, exhaust a lot, at least for me; and I know that they are also important things, but it exhausts me in the sense that I believe that it is not important.

I think that much more important things are happening behind all of that and that on many occasions even though that is important, it is being put in front so that we do not talk about the really relevant issues, I think it is another issue, I think it is is developing and at least some of the indications we are already seeing and they have to do with privacy, with misinformation with everything that is now being called hoaxes, etc.

I see that these are measures that have been taken around the world in recent months to put an end to the ability to transmit, to launch messages freely, and a whole social control monitoring and scoring model is also being implemented. many parts of the world including Europe, including Latin America.

For me that is very important, for me it is the most important thing right now, I think that everything else is going to happen, it is going to happen, it is not going to stop happening, character confrontations with whoever are not going to stop happening and that topics come up that are put on the table so that we are busy in the gatherings and in those places that make political shows, whatever they call it now.


I think that the issue is much more substantial and honestly today I was reading news that comes every day that does not appear in the media, that is not transferred to the media and it is like, for example, that various automobile brands are accepting, in fact, they have admitted that They are capturing data from all the cars that are connected, because all the cars that are sold now are connected in one way or another to something, both to report the State, to report your trip, to report everything.

And a statement has been released that is currently in the United States Senate, but there are many more, there are messages everywhere that tell us about how freedom is being curtailed and how we are all swallowing it as if That was something normalized.

My fear is that, my fear is that we are going towards a dystopian world. Some believe that we are exaggerating, those of us who think like this, but we are going towards a dystopian world, the evidence does not stop happening, piling up all in a kind of pyramid and news that They take us to a place that was only in some old science fiction novels that talked about controlled worlds in which free thought was at play.

Honestly, my personal opinion is that we do not stop thinking, that we think as much as possible, think because one day that will be prohibited, think before they prohibit it.

Al cerdo que se hace llaman "@sunsetjesus" que le incomoda temas anti globalista, (me imagino que es pagado) te puedes ir mamar 1000 millones de huevos, pero solo eso, yo conozco muchos como tú, son golosos y quieren más. Maldito, no dejare que publicar temas que te incomoda por la estupidez que haces.
