The deception of the European Union.


The deception of the European Union.


Joining a club, an association, being part of a Union, the objective is to be in a better situation than you would be alone, it seems to me that having to explain this is so obvious and so obvious that it is embarrassing, but surprisingly great. Part of the population immersed in propaganda and manipulation still does not realize something as obvious as what I just told you.

You can only be part of a club and give up your sovereignty in exchange for being much better off than if you were alone, but has this happened with the European Union? In principle we should think so, because that is what they promised us when we made the sacrifices What we did in the 80s to be part of the European Union, in that so-called common market or European economic community, they promised us gold and moro, all the sacrifices, all the dismantling of the industry, have been worth it.

We have been in the European Union for almost 40 years. How much has our life improved? Before Spain joined the European Union, our country was the eighth, eighth world power, the eighth economy in the world. How many places have we risen? since we entered this exclusive Club? Well, nothing, quite the contrary, we have gone from 8th to 15th place, we have fallen from 8th to 15th since we entered the European Union.


But the most bloody thing is not that, in less time than we have been in the European Union we have managed to get Spain out of a situation of civil war, a Spain devastated, destroyed, annihilated as a consequence of a war between brothers, we have managed without support and with a blockade take Spain in fewer years than we have in the European Union from zero to the eighth world power, I am talking about zero as a post-war situation, obviously some economics has remained.

Without help, with an international blockade, we brought Spain out of ruin and reached eighth place in the world in economy, the eighth economy in the world and it is entering the European Union and going down to 15. Can someone explain to me what kind of club it is? this? What kind of advantages are we offered? and on the other hand we could justify that we lose charity as a country, but citizens still live better than in the 80s.

In the 80s we could go out on the streets, in the 80s we had an economic capacity with which a family lived on a single salary, we had vacations, we had another way of living very different from the one we enjoy now or the one we suffer now, but hey, at least we have gained freedoms.


Have we gained freedoms? 40% of the legislation that is applied in Spain is of European origin, the legislation that remains in Spain is ideological and gender nonsense, the real day-to-day ones are those that come from the Union European Union that affects your pocket, such as prohibiting coal heating, forcing community heating to have a meter, which has caused the price to skyrocket for poor neighbors.

The fact that you are prohibited from entering the center of the cities in your car, the fact that it is ordered to dynamite swamps in a dry country, something that does not affect Germany with those rivers so large that we are tired of seeing, something as serious as dynamiting swamps all It comes from the legislation of the European Union.

And some said, “well, at least if we weren't in the European Union we would be a Banana country,” they are not even good for that, because in the end that we have seen, the separation of powers is being attacked, laws are being broken. We have an autocrat in the government, why does the European Union give effusive hugs to Sánchez when he meets Von der Leyen.

What is the European Union worth, to bleed us into taxes, I want to remind you that VAT did not exist before entering the European Union, it was an imposition of the European Union and that part of the VAT money goes to Europe, the VAT that tax was an imposition of the European Union.

Like the new tax that will come on carbon, which is also being prepared by the European Union, or the elimination of physical money and CBDC, the digital euro to control us also from the European Union, we have entered a club in which our freedoms are restricted. , our rights are restricted, our lives are made more expensive, and on top of that, they are going to take away even the most independent thing that money can have.
