Pedro Sánchez Threat, criminals copy each other.

Pedro Sánchez Threat, criminals copy each other.


In 2004, a law called the spring law was created, a law that controls the media, its content, the public to which it is directed and the media that participate in said law.

This spring law was modified again in the year I believe 2010 or 2011 to expand it and include all social networks and the internet, it is possible that this law popularly known as the spring law that controls the media and the internet is familiar to us unless you live in Venezuela, because I am talking about a law that was approved in the Venezuelan national assembly, something that Spain will see soon.

We are going to comment on one of the most worrying phrases in Sánchez's statement and note that there was no way to take it because it was one threat after another, but I am going to stick with one that is very striking and for me the most dangerous of all, the one in which that this individual literally said “this is not going to be a continuous point, this is going to be a full stop”

I am especially concerned because if modifying the penal code so that the political class can escape the crime of embezzlement, “it is a matter of course”; If getting out of jail those whom the justice system had put “is a matter of course,” if circumventing the Constitution to change seven votes, imposing an amnesty law “is a matter of course,” if not presenting the general budgets of the state by pure tacticism is “one point and followed”; If ignoring your obligations as president and stopping for 5 days creating political instability in the country “is a complete stop”, what is “a complete stop”.

If these atrocities that I have mentioned to you “are full stop” to his policy, “what is full stop”; an act of constriction, if out of repentance he has seen the Light, he is going to embrace democracy or he is going to step on the accelerator towards the absolutism that he longs for, because look at all the atrocities that this individual has done with “one stop and a half”.

I don't even want to imagine that it is a complete stop, although I have already given clues in the heading of this publication, a model that is going to bring us closer to certain regions of America than to this Europe that is looking the other way and I want to do a special mention to Europe, because many of those who defend Spain's permanence in the European Union do so in the hope that belonging to a group of supposedly democratic countries will guarantee that the most fundamental rights are not violated in Spain, But we are seeing that not only have they cleaned up this guy's behavior, they have not called him to order, but with the prospect of him resigning due to a corruption case that allegedly affects his wife, they were in the pools as the next candidate to represent in the European Parliament to European Social Democracy.

Not only is Europe not going to defend us from this type, but it was even thinking of rewarding us with a position in the European institutions, this is the damn reality that we have before our eyes, not only does Europe take away our freedoms, but it even ensures those who try to crush the separation of powers and there is not the slightest doubt that for a state to be considered the rule of law, the counterweights of Democracy, the separation of powers, have to be represented, we are seeing that this is not existing.

The legislative power, the judicial executive mixed in an amalgam with a partisan stink that stinks, but the so-called fourth power, the press is the most slimy and sell-out thing in this country, you can imagine that journalists from this country sign a manifesto to demand that colleagues be censored gives you an x-ray of how putrid the situation is in Spain.

We are 5 minutes away from a Bolivarian dictatorship, in fact, the appropriate measures are already being articulated so that the four journalists who still criticize the government can be eliminated, but in the same way as this law approved in the Venezuelan national assembly by which controlled the media, was expanded a few years later to include social networks, this one that is going to be created in Spain is going to be born completely, because it is clear that all digital newspapers, opinions on social networks, Twitter or whatever they are going to be persecuted and controlled, and maybe killed, because that is what happens in Venezuela.

Al cerdo que se hace llaman "@sunsetjesus" que le incomoda temas anti globalista, (me imagino que es pagado) te puedes ir mamar 1000 millones de huevos, pero solo eso, yo conozco muchos como tú, son golosos y quieren más. Maldito, no dejare que publicar temas que te incomoda por la estupidez que haces.


Hay que volver a las barricadas.


Tiene que ser mas, es necesaria una estrategia de guerra, porque se estan jugando la vida!
