France has fallen, who will be next?

France has fallen, who will be next?


We cannot understand what happened this weekend in France during the French elections without analyzing a problem that we have been dealing with for some time in the European Union and that is that the democratic game is not respected, there are no free and democratic elections in Europe and this must be denounced.

Since we cannot call free and democratic elections something in which the different ideological options representing society cannot compete on equal terms, this is not democracy, a democracy is one in which all political formations are given the opportunity to express their own ideology and to express one's ideology, this ideology to be supported or not at the polls.

What cannot be that ideologies, political parties are demonized, much less because they do not adapt to the system, it cannot be that the entire press in Spain, in France, in Germany attacks a single ideological formation from all sides, an ideology which in this way represents the essence, the values ​​and what led us to be what we Europeans are.

European culture, family, values, commitment, work and orderly immigration, against the lack of values, dehumanization, open doors, the destruction of European culture, wokism, progressivism is not only criticized but praised, we cannot talk about fair and democratic elections when instead of trying to bring together the political forces of different countries in view of a project in which they can coincide ideologically, they do so to prevent a political party from being able to govern, political parties should not represent the will of the people, you he says that when the people speak and want a political formation to change course, the others oppose the majority.

How to deal with elections in which all the media attack a party if they consider it "extreme right", because the extreme left does not exist, if the extreme right exists, the extreme left also exists, but it is not attacked, because we must accept that when absolutely all the media talk about political parties that defend the family, orderly immigration and traditional values ​​of society, they are defined as far-right.

You know that most of the rules are dictated by the European Union, you know that the greatest reduction of freedoms comes from the European Union, you know that the stupid and childish daily bans such as unscrewing the water bottle or painting dirty things purple, you are describing North Korea to me; All this comes from the European Union and the European Union votes jointly, the European People's Party and the European Socialist Party implement these measures because they go together and banning glitter colour, plastic straws or bottles is an absurdity compared to the law on nature restoration supported by the European People's Party, which consists in blowing up dams, causing the artificial increase in food prices, where people believe that a dozen eggs are worth around 2 euros and 3 years ago they were worth a approximately euros.
