My Battle With Jealousy: A Honest Confession [WEEK213]


Hi everyone!
It's another exciting weekend to share😌

Seeing the topic "What makes you jealous and why?" Triggered my attention back to my relationship.


I need to be honest with you all. I get really jealous when I see my girlfriend laughing and joking with other guys. It's like this green-eyed monster takes over me, and I can't shake off the feeling. Even if it's just a friendly conversation, my mind starts racing with worst case scenarios. I feel possessive and territorial, like she's 'my' territory and no one else should be allowed in.

I know it's irrational, but I can't help it. Seeing her laughing and joking with other guys makes me feel like I'm losing her, like she's slipping away from me. It's like I'm stuck in this never-ending cycle of fear and insecurity. I know she loves me, but seeing her with someone else just triggers something in me. I start wondering if she's still attracted to me, if she's still committed to our relationship.

Sometimes I find myself replaying conversations in my head, analyzing every little detail. Did she laugh too much with him? Did she touch his arm too many times? It's exhausting, but I can't seem to stop myself.


Yea, you don't need to tell me. I know very well that I need to trust her more, to believe in her love and commitment. But it's hard when my mind is flooded with doubts and fears. I feel like I am constantly walking on tightrope, waiting for the other shoe to drop.

To be frank, I am working on it, trying to be more rational and trusting. I am trying to focus on the present moment, on the love we share, rather than getting caught up in imaginary scenarios. But it's hard, and I slip up sometimes.

I just wish I could be more secure in our relationship and not let jealousy consume me like this. I want to be the partner she deserves, the one who trusts and supports her unconditionally. I am working towards that, but it's a journey, and I am not there yet.

Thanks for reading.
