Planting Garlic NOW, for Spring Harvest
Planting Garlic Cloves
I live in New England, East Coast, US, and we have longer, colder winters. We don't have mild seasons, like California, for instance, where the majority of US Grown Garlic is harvested. That white garlic, from Cali, is typically, softneck garlic. Softneck is both milder, and also, lasts on the shelves, longer. Commercial farmers LOVE that part!
Here in New England, with our deep cold winters, we plant and grow HardNeck Garlic. It has much more flavor, however lasts less on the shelves. If I am lucky, I can store my July harvested garlic, and use it over fall and winter. I can then, also, plant a few cloves, for growing into the next growing season.
In July, I pick garlic about once a week, for a few weeks, until it is ALL harvested.
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.It's very good to grow your food, economical and even healthier than buying. I hope you have a bountiful harvest.
i have never managed garlic.... lol. its just too darn hot here. and i love it too. Ginger yes, garlic no... great job!
Even soft neck? I thought that can grow most anywhere?
to be fair ive not tried that... i'll have to look into it. ive not had toooooo much luck with onions either... but it think THAT was a bad crop. the long red summer ones go well though
I've just planted some Russian red garlic to see how they do here on the south-west coast of Canada.
Cool! Are you near Vancouver? I suspect so...
When does the ground freeze for you? If I remember correctly, you're actually in zone 8, correct?
About a dozen kms east of Vancouver. Frost starts before December. Now it's getting close. 8 PM, and raining about 4 Celsius. My Car is required to have winter tires on since we went below 7C.
Wow! I never plant garlic but now I am inspired 😄
Its so easy:
Stick it in the ground and forget it. Then, harvest as the greens start to die off.
Really 😯
I'll try it
Cultivation is not easy, it requires patience and effort and you must always take care of it, both in the present and in the future 🙏
In Venezuela there is no good food if it is not seasoned with garlic hahaha. Congratulations!
I get that!
I grew up learning to cook from my Yia Yia and Papou (Greek Grandparents) so, we put olive oil in a pan, then garlic, then, decide what to cook!!!
Good luck.
Nice informative post. We are on a short vacation but got our garlic in the ground before we left.
When do you plant your garlic? Mid October?
When does the ground freeze for you in VT?
We watch when our neighbor plants his garlic lol he is a good gardener and has lived here forever. Freeze here is late Sept to mid Oct. It was on the late end this year.