Hive Whale Boasts On X That Hive is Censorship Free Spends Most of His Time Silencing His Critics With His Massive Downvote.


look at me . i am brilliant t.png

A prominent Hive whale who posts daily on X about the power of Hive as if he himself invented the blockchain was heavily promoting Hive again yesterday amid the current political climate. The tweet included his usual fucking gibberish about web3, decentralisation and scalability. This tweet however was about Censorship and how Hive was the place to be for Censorship free speech platform.

@lookatmeeverybodyiruntheshow 's tweet
"Hive demonstrates robust resistance to censorship due to its capability of globally distributing tokens through content rewards, a feat it has successfully achieved."

Meanwhile the same whale was making sure that @fuckthepolice1 was buried into oblivion while he downvoted his daily posts for the past 2 years after @fuckthepolice1 called him a donut on Twitter. We caught up with @fuckthepolice1 after we negotiated through the "content not displayed due to low rating", a censorship tool on Hive for the users that don''t agree with the people who run the blockchain to see what the story was.

"Yeah @lookatmeeverybodyIruntheshow keeps posting on Twitter daily about the power of Hive and how Hive is the future and everyone roles their eyes because they all have the ability to look at wallets in Hive so I called him out on it. The same guy is syphoning money from Hive left , right and centre so much so that there is sell pressure on the Hive price. I ain't talking pounds and pence here. I'm talking thousands daily. Now fair enough, it's their stake and they can do whatever he wants with it but don't be giving on one hand and taketh away with the other. If he's not doing it his friends are. He calls Hive decentralised but there are around 5 accounts that run Hive due to their massive stakes so really it's a type of dictatorship at worst or a plutocracy at best. They say crypto is the future but we may as well go back to the old English feudal system of landowners and seriffs at this rate but just a digital version.

"He also goes on about the freedom of speech and censorship but if anyone looks at him crooked they get a $20 downvote on their latest post. Freedom of speech my bollocks. So he should rewrite his tweet that there is freedom of speech to anyone who has a couple of hundred thousand and is stupid enough to throw it into Hive so they can talk about the flight logs to Epstein island.

He also talks about web3 as if it's gonna change the world. All it is is the internet with a wallet in the corner. I have that when I go on Amazon with my credit card saved in a secure folder. And if I don't remember my 17 digit crypto address , my funds are lost forever. No man I got a bank account. I just go in and show my ID like and they issue me a new card. It's a really good system actually.

As far I can see. the machine learning and AI are great in the future when the tech is there but at the moment they can't get the search bar working great on Peakd and everyone who is on Hive hangs out on Discord which is strange so we are hardly trailblazing in UI/UX development. Best sort the old house out first before we build an extension. Hive Blog looks like something you would throw up on Wix or Weebly on a good day in 1970's Communist Russia. If you read the tweet it's a load of cobblers. Hive is censorship free because Ann can write about her pet hawk. So there you have it. Solid Proof!! Don't get me wrong , alot of users deserve to get downvoted. The actifit posse for example who throw up a lap of a athletic track and their sweaty head and get rewards of $20 for it. They should be hung drawn and quartered. But the likes of myself who is a bit of a prick but doesn't take the piss should not be taken as an example and banished to the likes of Blurt.

look at me . i am brilliant t (1).png

"Every new layer developed on Hive unveils groundbreaking possibilities. Blah dee blah blah dee blah dee blah blah blah blah web3 blah blah blah dee blah decentralisation blah dee blah dee blah , Imafuckinggenius blah blah blah


Asking @fuckthepolice1969 we ask for a comment:

"Well Hive won't be around long enough if supply keeps putting massive pressure on demand and the token market can't cope and drops like a stone and we will fade into obscurity. Then 500,000 stake won't matter a dam then. Yes granted it is an excellent blockchain and nobody argues with what it can do in the future but Hive will be a relic if people are using it as a full time job and taking a wage from it. It's not big enough to do this just yet. It is very simple. Other tokens are passing it out so the uppercrusts need to start getting a handle on costs and tell their friends to reign it in a little on the old Binance hot wallets so the price can increase."

The Hive whale was unavailable for comment as he was too busy reading the comments section of his latest posts where the Hive minnows reply as if he is some type of demigod.


Curious who actually is @lookatmeeverybodyiruntheshow :D The fact that this handle is still unused is kind of tempting :P


I think the limit is 17 chars Michel. I'd take it myself otherwise. 😂. Oh and it can be whoever you want it to be by the way. #web3


Ah too bad! Would have been perfect! And @web3 has been taken too 😭


Lol. Reblogging this cause someone (sure as hell isn't me) would benefit from reading this oasis of truth. Well-done.


Thanks Tessa. This time next year we will be millionaires.



Swinging the ol'shaft are we...😅


Hilarious and at the same time oh so pity full…


The Hive whale was unavailable for comment as he was too busy reading the comments section of his latest posts where the Hive minnows reply as if he is some type of demigod.

This is the general truth about the Hive blockchain nowadays. Usually this is what the most people (the plankton/redfish and the minnows) on the Hive blockchain are doing. They fight to get the attention of the whales, and the others are mostly ignored/overlooked.

But every time I write something similar to this, people say that I am complaining. I am tired of writing it over and over again. I am also tired of the people, who blame me for "complaining" and for "being negative", while I (and a few other people) write only the truth.


It's the way the world works I suppose mate and Hive is a microcosm of the world. Everybody likes a nice upvote from a whale. you and me included. We don't complain when we receive one do we ?? I have seen some successful accounts grow really well from commenting on whales like this and best of luck to them. It's a bonus of curation I suppose. You keep writing about your adventure in Tenerife. It's good stuff.


it's the way the world works I suppose mate

No. It is really not. For example there are proper interactions on YouTube. Even the smallest YouTubers are receiving comments. Facebook is similar. A post into the proper group results in good interactions. I know that currently these are two of the biggest social networks in the world, but still. They have a proper balance between content creators and content consumers. Not like Hive, where 90% (or even more) are content creators, and 10% (or even less) are content consumers.


I wouldn't say interactions on YouTube. Someone posts a video and people comment on it. There is generally not much interaction between user and content consumers. Take Mr Beast for example. He ain't gonna reply to me . Or many famous guys for that matter. But I agree with the % you say. I get away with it because nobody reads my stuff. 😃😃. It's a win win


Many famous YouTubers reply/react to comments in their videos. Even famous YouTubers. I saw that multiple times. And some YouTubers are even playing games with their viewers. So there is a good amount of interaction there.


When I first read this a while ago I wanted to address a lot in it, despite it being a work of satire, but I got sidetracked and forgot about it. Now, I still don't want to take the time to go over all of it bit by bit, but it touches on something important. A lot of people come here wanting to make money from posting content, and that's great. Good content should be rewarded. Having said that, the monetary aspect of Hive isn't the hook. Facebook, Ig, Twitter, etc., are all private domains we treat as public spaces, and they just aren't. Sure, it would be nice to get paid a living wage for having anything to say about anything, and I don't disagree that sometimes this place feels like a feudalistic landscape, but the real value here isn't how much we can earn, but the fact that this is actually a public space in the digital realm. Just because you aren't earning for any reason, be it valid or imagined, is secondary to the fact that this is your account... not a loaner from someone who can cancel you for complaining about how things are. Downvote? Yeah, absolutely. Is that awesome? No. Not at all. But this is an experiment. It's in it's infancy. It's up to us to figure out how to grow it into something worth having. I realize this reply may be a little out of place, considering the intent of the post, but what is satire if not a plea to look at things as they are?
