Christmas Report : Is a Real Beehive Decentralised? asks Smartarse On Twitter


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The Hive Blockchain was in disarray last night as crypto millionaire and all round Hive hater @cryptofreddiemercury claimed that Hive actually has a shit name for a decentralised blockchain. @cryptofreddiemercury made a long thread on the reasons why Hive founders messed it up in a rush job forking from the Steem blockchain and this is why most of the crypto community think they are a shower of of smelly woke numptys who contradict themselves at every opportunity. Hell if the name is contradictory.

In his thread he went into more detail but uploaded a couple of honey bee hierarchy structures that proved to the crypto community that like the honey bee , we are ruled by a couple of accounts who run the show so to speak.
@cryptofreddiemercury initially wrote about the structure of a bee colony and pointed out there were worker bees , drone bees and then the queen bee who was the boss, the head honcho. Hardly a decentralized structure with the workers and drones catering to the every need of the greedy queen who eats all day and lays eggs. What a life. He then compares this to the current Hive blockchain where the little workers post content, the drones or bots in this case curate and the queen bee takes all the rewards. He did not hold back in his tirade.

"The whole bee hierarchy is the most centralised structure known to mankind!!" More centralised than any other animal in fact with the exception of a pride of lions maybe"
"The Hive forkers didn't do their homework" he added "but at least the Hive blockchain went the Bee route and not the bloody lion route calling it Leo with a Tiger emblem or anything like that. That would have been the worst case scenario."

" If you want to get rid of a beehive , the first thing a beekeeper does is look for the Queen Bee. Once the beekeeper removes the queen then the beehive is no more and the bees go where ever the queen goes."

Meanwhile on Discord there was arguments a plenty in the camp about whether our blockchain name was shit or not. Some reckoned it was all a bit childish and it was embarrassing to say you are a Hivian. Others were thankful that we were not called Steem as it sounded like a gay dating site and there were a couple of questions asked by suspicious wife's back in the day.

"Bumble was taken so we went with Hive" claimed a rebel dev.

"Meanwhile over at Hive Digital Technologies that build data centers , they too were pissed off with the name"

"Some guy called Sarg rang us up with a few in him asking why is was being downvoted and he was going to sue us" claimed the CEO
"We didn't know what was happening."
"We started being @'d every few minutes. All we are is a data center designers. We have nothing to do with downvote nonsense"

Back on Twitter or X as they call it , the fight still goes on between the web3 , Hive is the future brigade and the spotty teenager @cryptofreddiemercury around a Hive structure and things are getting heated.

"They don't like anyone slagging off their platform, I got a real beehive delivered to my house yesterday. Could have killed me but I had an Epi pen on hand and I staved off death. He retaliated with a series of posts getting a bee keeper to open up the Hive to prove that they were not decentralized.

@cryptofreddiemercury spoke but his face was too swelled up to make out what he was saying.

The Discord arguments continue on over a new name for the platform and a poll went out to the wider population on what to rename the blockchain to give it a more decentralised appeal but the Justin Song brigade were on point and the poll ended up wanting to call Hive Decentrally Mcdecentralisedfac.


People are opportuned to have their own opinion but to me Hive is still a better name for me.
