A Poor Bank Service Provider



How I was able to not jump into conclusion in being judgmental (Will I still be able to trust them enough to make transactions with them?)

A few weeks back, I had an issue with my Selar account — the payout feature wasn’t working for me. No matter the number of times I clicked to withdraw, it bounced off. At a point, I became skeptical about using Selar to receive payment. I came on Facebook to check if other people were facing the same issue but I didn’t see anything that suggested that. I went to Twitter and only 2 people complained of the same issue. I wanted to write about it here to seek opinion but had a change of mind. I didn’t want anyone to pass a negative remark on the company. As it as always been, good things are always good to achieve but not easy and this applies to Brand reputation building as well because it is never easy.

I sent a private message to a Facebook friend who works with the company and after a few days without a response from her (maybe she disabled her Messenger) I decided to send them an email. Two days later, the issue was resolved. This as also happened to my kuda Bank app services as well and the Issues where solved later run too. There is something to learn here? Yes there is and I'm going to tell you right away. Don’t be quick to call out a brand. Don’t be quick to drag a company. Use all the available communication channels to reach out. If you are polite and consistent, you might get a good response.

And here is another message, If you are among the first generation of millionaires in your family, your work ethics should be different. You can’t afford to be living your life as someone with billions of dollars stacked up for him or her in a foreign bank account. Your sense of urgency, consistency and excellence should show that you are trying to eradicate generational poverty. Stop acting like everything is okay. Learn a skill, learn the business of the skill and go all in. In 10 years from now, everyone will know whether you’ve been building or playing.

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! Kisses
