How Much Do Companies and Governments Really Hold Crypto?

With all of this talk about building crypto strategic reserves and amassing a wealth of bitcoin along with major companies like mirco strategy ( now strategy ) has been stock piling and buying it as well. The question comes up how much bitcoin and crypto are really in the stock piles of these places.

I think it's important ask especially for bitcoin which is limited to just 21 million tokens of which it's expect 3-6 million are gone forever through loss wallets etc.

It's also important I believe to see where the power is moving and how much power these companies and countries hold and what's the game plan for the future.

The data I'm pulling from is via a bitbo report which you can find here Bitcoin Treasuries


Let's start with countries and note that not all countries are listed here because some simply don't disclose their holdings such as Russia.

What we have here is the USA in the lead however not far behind at all would be China that has amassed a ton of bitcoin even though they have been crazy anti bitcoin for so long.

After that an interesting one is UK which is good for them because let's be honest in terms of the UK and EU these countries don't have much value in terms of natural resources.

Ukraine amassed theirs at the start of the war via a massive overflow of donations into the country and lucky for them they have held on to it making them a rather large wealth capital of the asset.

After that comes the very small country for Bhutan which just recently official became the Kingdom of Bhutan. This small country of under 1 million people sits just below China next to Nepal and Bangladesh. With the amount of wealth they have in crypto assets I wouldn't put it past China to start making some moves there to take their wealth and bring it into their fold.

After that comes El Salvador which we all know about who started mining crypto in their country years ago only for the IMF to tell them to stop. Which is kind of crazy honestly if I was them I'd continue to mine it and say F off IMF and that's kind of the beautiful thing about bitcoin is that it's open to anyone and once you have it it's power.

Finland comes in behind that with almost 2,000 bitcoin and after that everyone else falls of the charts including a funny one Germany which if they would have kept their bitcoin would have been FAR better off right now.

That being said that's not all the many countries building up stockpiles of bitcoin at the moment and it will be interesting to watch this in another 6 months to a year and see if other countries start to jump on.

Overall though that's just 2.522% of the total bitcoin supply accounted for. So let's break this out even further and see where the masses of bitcoin are currently.

The overall breakdown

When we break out ownership of Bitcoin we get at the top ETFs which is a rather new thing only about a year old now. I like this in a way as it means a lot of people (semi own) the asset. However that asset is sitting with the companies like Blackrock really putting them in power and not the ETF holders as you're trusting the companies with the ETFs.

Countries comes second which we went over above and I think this one we are going to start to see growing but nothing crazy.

Public companies and Private companies is where it gets interesting as these places when combined almost equal that of ETFs. Think of places like strategy and others who are accumulating bitcoin on their sheets.

And the one that you would think would be the largest is BTC mining companies which are massive mining farms and mine bitcoin in droves each day. These actully account for some of the smallest values and most likely because unless you are creating your own power then your break even on a vast majority of bitcoin miners is very hard especially with prices sinking. I'll be curious if we finally see some mining hardware go offline which means my little mini miners will be able to product a bit more bitcoin! lol

Another sector that you would think would be huge but isn't is DeFi but remember this is only bitcoin we are talking about here. Bitcoin mainly comes in wrapped forms and is rather cumbersome to deal with in the DeFi sector.

So there you have it that's where the bitcoin is in terms of a vast amount of the big boys and girls. It accounts for only 10%-15% of bitcoins supply meaning a lot of other people etc hold the asset which is a good thing.

Keep stackin friends!

  • This article is for entertainment purposes only and is not financial advice. Do your own research before investing and understand the risks.

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We all know the IMF has the best interest of El Salvador in mind, not their own power... Bhutan is interesting, such a small country holding that much BTC. China will definitely be setting sites on them, politically and if comes down to it militarily. China has been building their military at an astonishing rate, it's just a matter of time until they start to use it. Taiwan? Bhutan?


it might take years but eventually a lot of these exchanges will run out of bitcoin as more and more people diamond hand + self custody


Then is me with a 0.001 BTC 🤣
