Make Nigeria Great Again.

Nigeria is a great country but looks like it has turned to something else. In this country, if you don’t have money, you may be doomed for life aside those who have been destined to make it in life no matter what circumstance they may be in.
There are so many opportunities in Nigeria but it is usually hijacked by those who have the right source of information or the rich ones which is stylishly making us know that people without money have more tendency to suffer in this country that we are in.

Within a few years of spending sometime with my brother’s friend, I got to realize that there are a lot of opportunities in this country.
How did I know that? His father works for the government and he holds a very high position. Now, if job opportunities or monetary opportunities come their way, they don’t speed it for other people to know about. They make use of the opportunity within themselves.
A lot of Nigerians usually feel that the country is totally useless. They are not wrong but they are wrong because they are not with the right people.
During COVID, some people got some foodstuffs and groceries which some government officials had hidden so that it can be for their family members or other groups.


Also, there were some monetary offers that people benefitted from them but we didn’t know because those government officials made sure that the opportunity does not spread so instead of them to make people aware, they take all the money and just release a few so that they will have a proof that people were able to benefit from it.

Last night, my older brother got a job. This job was supposed to be a free one. The government made the space open for everyone to apply but the officials hid it and felt it was an opportunity to cash out some money.
Would you believe me if I tell you that my brother paid $2000 for this job? Who dares pay some money because you need a job but is there anything we can do?
I don’t think so.
It’s really sad and annoying. Why can’t we benefit from things freely? Must we always pay for everything?
Must we always receive bribe? It’s sad. We just had to pay for it since that’s how this country is but what about those who don’t have $2000. It may be a little amount of money for those in top tier countries but Nigeria is a low income country and $2000 is a lot of money.
This amount of money can feed someone for a whole year and more.


He got the job now and we are happy but I feel bad for those who can’t raise that amount of money. It’s crazy but I don’t think any changes can be made with the current situation of the country.
The problem is not only the government but the citizens too. I hope we get to make Nigeria great again.


Nigeria have lotta talented people, everything getting better there too lets keep fighting for the a better Quality off life ⚡🤛🏻



omo 2000 dollars to get a job? that is roughly 3m naira, is it worth it?
