Fighting The Demon Of Procrastination.
The science of procrastination or procrastination itself is the act of postponing or delaying what you have to do. Procrastinators are those who do things very late. For example, if you were given the space of one week to do something but you did it at the last minute, you have just practiced procrastination.
A story about procrastination
Sometime in 2020, we began the lockdown for COVID-19 here in Nigeria and we all were asked to go home from school. Before going home, some of our lecturers had already given us some assignments that whenever we resume back to school even though it may take a year, we should submit.
We practically spent more than six months at home and I didn’t touch my books until we resumed. Unfortunately for me, most of this lecturers asked us to submit the assignments on the second day of resumption. Then, I started running helter skelter to do my assignments and I was left with one hoping that I can submit that anytime I like.
Sadly, I failed that course and I wrote it the next year with my juniors. With this story, I think we can learn some lessons about procrastination.
Effects of procrastination
• You will be disorganized: If you are the type who procrastinates and do things at the last minute, you will be disorganized by the time you decide to do it at the last minute. And it may result to you not doing it well and that’s why it is said that “an early bird catches the worm”.
• Opportunities may pass you by: There was a time when I said I wanted to create podcasts which I eventually didn’t do. One day, I got a radio station job offer but they asked for samples of my job and I could not tender any because I have been procrastinating and that’s how I lost that golden opportunity.
• Poor performance: There is absolutely no one who procrastinates and never does things at the last minute. No matter how good you are at what you do, if you are in a haste, the result won’t be good.
Procrastination is a part of every human but some have been able to escape it because they wanted to fight the demon of procrastination. I’m sure you can do the same.
Let’s fight procrastination together!!!
Imagine what procrastination can do to some, it has more negative effects on us than the positive effects. Imagine having to rewrite a course because one failed to do things the right way.