Two worlds, one individual.

I call social media the virtual life or virtual reality. People literally get involved in romantic relationships on social media and then break up without ever getting to meet themselves.

You know, recently, it dawned on me that we actually live on social media. I don't know of others, but my activities on social media constitute a large part of my life which is a good thing but at the same time, it could be chaotic.

Chaotic in the sense that I live more on social media than actual reality, thus fueling my bad habits of procrastination and causing me great distraction. One minute I'm doing something serious, the next minute I'm sneaking off to social media to cool off. The time I'd invest in getting a work done, I'm always postponing for later and wrongfully investing that time on social media.

But then, it becomes a good thing, as social media has been a source of coping mechanism to my rigid routine of work and home.

With social media, my social life is not being suffocated as I get to hang out with like minds sharing thoughts, or engage opposing views in civil arguments while learning a thing or two in the process.

Another benefit that I have come to enjoy on social media is that it broadens my knowledge, and it is my free Visa to travel around and see the world in my mind's eye. By interacting with people from different part of the world, I came to the realization that we all are the same in our behavioral pattern.

Despite our different race, we have the same category of people scattered around the world such that, what Mr. A will tolerate or do in Africa, another Mr. A of different race and ancestry, will tolerate or do it in Europe, America and every other continent inhibited by people.

With this discovery of mine, I have since learned to do away with the mentality that one race is superior in thinking to another. In the real sense of things, we are all intertwined, complimenting each other's strengths and weaknesses.

Thus, the in-between for me is social media, a virtual world that I have created for my mental satisfaction and learning.

Again, it is safe to say that I am existing in both worlds (Virtual and physical), which sometimes throws me into mental chaos as my attention gets to be divided, and my physical life suffers because I get to pay more attention to my online activities even when with family.

I am still learning how best to manage my time so that my online activities can sync perfectly with my physical life.

Social media over the years has had its impact in our contemporary society, both good and bad. It should be worthy to note that there is nothing happening now that hasn't happened before, as social media just amplifies things. It is a tool that is neither bad nor good, it all depends on how it's been utilized.

While some people are securing jobs, bagging endorsement deals, building their careers, locating lost relatives, connecting with friends and getting their life partner via social media, there is another set using social media to prostitute, swindle and deceive people, engage in other illegal and illicit activities like kidnapping.

There is a saying that, one's social media account is a reflection of them, how are you selling yourself? Positively or negatively?

For me, the effect of social media is a 50/50 thing, while it has made connecting with people and transmuting our karma much easier, it has also placed a magnifying glass on the ills of the world, further amplifying wrong and evil doing.

While some people come on social media to impact and add to the pool of knowledge, others are there for the drags and to constitute nuisance.


Above is my response to the #Septemberinleo prompt, day 11. You can participate HERE

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I see you are more social media savvy person from what you have written. We all do, when we use the Social media with a limit on timing and content selection it all good for us. Thank you have a good day :)
