The power within - Freewriters prompt (A picture is worth a thousand word)
I can feel it creeping in do you think I will be able to hold on for long? Ten years old Alianna asked in a shaky voice as the horse raced like crazy.
Hang in there baby, we are almost at Grandma Willow's hut, you will be fine breath in and breath out, breath in and breath out. Alianna’s mother responded in a calm soothing voice.
Mommy is here, mommy won't let none happen to you. You will be fine my love she continued.
She kept calming Alianna down as she rubbed on her palm trying to get her to relax. She sang a lullaby which caused Alianna to drift into sleep.
The lullaby kept echoing and all of a sudden a loud gasp for air was let out as it seems Alianna was suffocating.
She gasped for air severally till she felt her breath stabilizing and reached out for water as she felt her throat drying out. Immediately after satisfying her water cravings, she broke into tears as it seemed yet again another dream about her mother whom she will never see again. The mere thought of loosing her mother when she needed her the most aggreviated her condition that she let out a deafening scream.
Why wont I just die! this is too much, its too heavy and I can't move pass all that has happened, please make it stop Alianna wept bitterly as she dragged her wooly body cover up to her mouth to scream some more without letting it out as she didn't want to alert anyone. It's still few minutes past mid night and words travel far.
Suddenly she felt it trying to creep in again, she rushed to her raffia basket of herbs and ointment and reached out for her suppressant, a glittering silver bottle filled with elixir.
Just as she was about to take a sip, the surge got a hold of her as she started vibrating uncontrollably letting go of the bottle of elixir. The force at which the bottle got to the ground made it break to pieces and from the sound of the breakage, Alianna was triggered even more to let it all out. She gave out a very high pitch screeching sound as she released a surge of lightning from within that immediately brought fire to the structure she's putting up in. Everything Alianna own was burnt to ashes, the clothes on her body was also not left out as she burnt uncontrollably destroying everything that she came in contact with.
In her ranging moment, she remembered her mother and how she had died. On that faithful night little Alianna has had her routine dose of suppressant but her power apparently had grown stronger and the suppressant couldn’t hold it. On getting to Grandma Willow’s hut, it was too late as Alianna couldn’t hold on any longer. She let out flashes of lightning that went up in flames killing both her mother and Grandma Willow.
Alianna is now eighteen years old and the whole experience seems to be like it happened just yesterday. She couldn’t live pass it and the more she remembers the more her condition gets worse.
It’s almost the break of dawn and Alianna had passed out after the exhaustion from all that burning.She couldn’t tell what is real and what is not as she was between worlds which was a first time experience.
You should rest some more baby, a familiar voice advised.
Mom? is that you? Mom? Alianna called out in excitement as she turned around to see her mother standing in a distance.
Omg! Mom Alianna shouted in excitment as she ran to hug her mother really tight not wanting to let go.
Am I dreaming? Mom is this really you?Alianna continued in excitement as she could not believe her eyes.
Its me baby, I am here now, everything is going to be ok.
Did I finally die?
No baby, you are between worlds. I brought you here to ease your pain.
I don’t want to go back mom, please don’t let me go back Alianna cried out as she held on tight to her mother.
I will always be with you and you are free to come visit whenever you want, remember you are immortal and you possess the freedom to travel through time and space as you so desire.
But I don’t know how, I can’t access that privilege. Alianna responded to her mother in a teary voice.
You can baby your power is the key. You just need to let go and forgive yourself, whatever had happened between You, Grandma Willow and I is not your fault. We were the ones who failed to protect you. Tragedy happens and life goes on. We are both happy where we are and hope you get to discover yourself so you can come visit at will. We miss you, Alianna’s mother said as she stroked her hair.
You are going to be fine baby. Alianna’s mother continued and ended with Times up!
Alianna felt some sort of gravitational pull that landed her back in her body that was lying lifeless on the open field. She felt different, she felt some sort of hope and is now eager to control her powers and not let it control her since that is the only way she can be with her mother. If I have the power to destroy, I should also have the power to create she thought to herself. Gradually she filled herself with light and as she shines bright, a beautiful gown formed in her body. She stretched out her palm and let out some strokes of lightning without combusting in flames. She smiled and knew she was ready to live with her powers as an immortal being
I see a not so bright atmospheric condition. I also see a lady on the field and zooming in on the lady, she seem to have brought forth lightning from her palm.
From her clothing and sense of style, I feel she's a sorceress because her outfit is not a fashion statement you see everyday. Not to mention her activities with the lightening gave her away. She also doesn't seem to be from our time as her outfit gives off the Renaissance look.
You know, there is something about Lightening which I feel governs life. While Lightening represents the light of which we see the world with, Thunder which is the after effect of lightning represents the sound of which aids communication. It is through sound and light that the world is made liveable.
What an interesting story, you did well with the picture prompt.

Thank you 🥰
That was interesting. Each moment was what next. Poor Aliaana and her dream.
I’m glad you found it interesting, thank you for stopping by 🤗
I enjoyed your story and couldn't stop reading! She finally learned what to do with her power, most awesome is she can visit her motherboard granny anytime. It must be a relief after living with the knowledge she killed them.
Thank you for joining. 👍
Thank you for your encouraging words 🥰
That was a really fun read @bipolar95 I could have read many more chapters of her adventures. You managed to give a complete tale with a very tight control on the narrative. My salute to you! Good writing!!!
Cheers from a fellow #dreemerforlife
Thank you for your encouraging words dreemer 🥰
How warming it is to see that she saw her mother. It made the guilt she had of being the killer of both her mom and grandma lessened.
Hello dearest fashionable dreemer. Happy Friday! I hope you had an amazing day today because you are special. A lovely soul blessed to be in our world. I waltzed in from #dreemport, for I am an amazing #dreemer. An awesomely made #dreemerforlife.
Thank you for stopping by dreemer 🥰