The line

Image is mine

I have since learned the hard way that not everyone who wants help actually needs help. Some people are just users and with such people, it should be once bitten twice shy.

The fact that I helped someone and they take it for granted doesn't mean I still won't go out of my way to help someone else, I just won't help that particular person who spat on my face.

Over the years, I have had close friends borrow money and not want to pay back. Usually, that is the end of such friendship after I have collected my money back.

Noticing that some humans can be mischievous, I have since stopped borrowing or loaning out money that I cannot afford to lose.

If any of my friend comes to ask for my assistance financially, let's say that they require fifty thousand Naira, I would give them at most twenty thousand Naira.

If they did refund the money, fine, but if they don't, they are never getting any financial help from me again.

Then we have the ones who would ghost you, but suddenly claim friendship when they are stranded and in need of help.

That's how a former course mate that I have not spoken to in years came and was asking me to borrow her money to pay her children's school fees.

There was no form of formality, not even a “how have you been…”

Next after I said hello was, “can you please loan me some money to pay my children's school fees? I will pay back next week when I load petrol at the filling station”.

Lol, what if I was ill? Does that not matter???

Few days ago a supposed friend called me by past 10pm. Nobody calls me by that time, I draw the line at 8pm. So I thought that for him to call, then it's quite urgent. I picked up and he started telling me how he required some help and it's not big money.

I just chuckled in my head because even if it's a few coins, I will never part with for his sake. Not only that, but I told him off and he wanted to play the emotional blackmail card, but I wasn't having it.

This is the same person earlier this year, who told me that he was at the hospital for an appendicitis operation.

He went further to seek my help financially, stating that he requires a hundred thousand Naira to complete his down payment. Otherwise, the doctors won’t operate on him and he’s in excruciating pain.

At the time he called, I was unemployed and broke. I also needed help financially too, but I went out of my way to start begging people for money, citing his medical condition. Some of my friends turned up and others just gave fake promises.

I was able to realize fifty thousand Naira of which I sent to him, but he kept pestering me to make it up to a hundred, fake crying that he doesn’t want to die.

No problem, I will see what else I can do, I said to him. But then something happened, he called on video call and boy, he doesn’t look like one who's in excruciating pain or about being rolled in for surgery.

I looked at his surroundings, the bed frame does not look like that of a hospital. I would rather not judge too quickly because often times, I have been tagged with being insensitive towards another person’s plight even when eventually my hunch turns out to be right.

He did promise to pay me back the money the following week, as that's when his wife would send him some money. Regardless, I did what I did because I thought I was helping to save a friend. Later on, when he didn't hear from me for the balance fifty thousand Naira, he started harassing me with endless calls.

When I eventually picked up, he wasn't aware and I could hear him lamenting to someone that they will confiscate his car if he doesn't pay up for all the drink he consumed last night at the club plus his hotel bill.

I added one and two together, and then everything made sense. He was calling me from the hotel and not from any hospital. The thought that he lied with his health to get me to fund his irresponsibility really did piss me off and that was where I drew the line for him. It should be worthy to note that he never paid back that fifty thousand Naira as he said he would.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Some people really don't deserve any kind of help. People like them are the reason why the genuine ones that really need help don't get it.


I really try to not judge other situations with an experience. Until the people make me think otherwise, then I will change.


It’s funny how people think. Now, imagine someone who actually needed the funds for hospital bills came to you later? You probably would think he/she is also lying.
Why do people do this?
Anyway, I always say your life is a full movie because Ei🤣


Ha! That's why I'm really judgemental and scrutinize everything now because people are just wild. My life pass zee world on God! 😂🤣


Oh my goodness 🤭, I feel like strangling that friend of yours. Like dare him play such rough play on what. If I were you, I would have got him to vomit that 50k after knowing that he lied to me
Nonsense people everywhere


Better nonsense people o. The luck he has was that one time I was stranded, he came through for me and then it is not my personal money. If it was eh? Lol I would have squeezed out every money from him.


I wonder where you meet these "interesting people." No, I don't go out of my way for just anyone anymore. Just deserving people. And I only lend out the money I can forget about.


Like @abenad rightly said, my life is a movie 😂. Thanks to hive, I'm able to relieve them and pen them down to stories 😌. They are now experiences now and affliction shall not rise again 🤝🏾.


Wow, people are really incredible. This is the height of it, so he really harassed you because of this very irresponsible reason. People have no shame. Thank God you were able to figure it out.

The moment he started harassing you, I would have started suspecting some foul play, because I know I am not your savior and you have family members. I t is well. He even had the audacity to come back to you to ask for something else.


My dear???? Do you get??? It is his audacity for me o. Came back and was asking for another financial help, telling me it's small money lol.


That is crazy! That your friend who lied about getting sick just made it harder to trust anyone, this is how someone very close to me also told me she had an appendix and needed treatment and I told her to come home and that I would pay for it but she insisted that I should send the money that she won't come home which further made me more suspicious, in the end, I didn't send the money but later get to find out she needed treatment, well it was not my fault. we are the same about not turning up for people who refuse to pay back what they owe...


It's not your fault because if she really needed treatment, she would have come to you as requested. People can be very funny sha.
