Is life a random walk?


My mom refers to God as the greatest artist of all time.

I know not everyone subscribes to the God/religious theory of creation, but whatever anyone chooses to believe in, the fact remains, we'd all arrive at the same conclusion of the existence of a creator or a mastermind in charge of our entire existence.

I mean, when you look at life, it’s too organized to just have happened at random.

Is it the symbiotic relationship between trees and humans? Or is it the natural recycling process of birth, death, and rebirth? Or Evaporation? Shall we talk about the artistic designs in various animal fur, the beauty in flowers? Some of them even smell so lovely.

Should we talk about each fruit, plants with animals and their individual uniqueness? You see, everything about life is just screaming ART!

When we talk about Art, we talk about beauty, we talk about creativity, and we talk about life.... Creating something out of nothing and this not limited to just painting on Canva.

With living, we become artistic. Our life is Canva, our thoughts are paint and our actions becomes our paint brush. What are you thinking? What actions are you taking to give life a meaning?

I believe that it is not art if it has no life or meaning attached, inanimate or not. Plus, if we don't get creative enough to always think out of the box, life becomes meaningless.

In my religion, we have what we call change your attitude, change your life. You are the artist of your life, you wield the tools to be creative, so what are you creating, and how are you creating it? Writing? Singing? Dancing? Painting? Or is it acting?

We also have a pretty small book titled is life a random walk?

I was having some internal crisis recently, but I chose not to worry about it or let it affect my mental health. I got to my mom's room to pick up something, and guess what I saw on the floor? That pretty little book with the title is life a random walk? I smiled.

The thing is, before that moment, those words had been on my mind… I often ask myself, Is life a random walk? At the time I saw the book on the floor, it was the exact words that I needed to step on the gas and tackle my situation head on.

Often times, ignoring the problem does not necessarily take it away without actually doing something about it.

Yesterday being Leo power day, we powered up some Leo. Basically this is a monthly exercise slated on the 15th of every month. I'm hoping to be more consistent and get my LP to 1000LP by the end of year.

Above is my response to the #septemberinleo prompt. You can participate HERE

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


congratulations on Your leo powerup

With living, we become artistic. Our life is Canva, our thoughts are paint and our actions becomes our paint brush.

This is a good literature write up, i wish i was good with literature.

You see, everything about life is just screaming ART!

The eart has an artistic structure, art is the origin of the earth.

This life is true to be like a random fact, just like human and tree relationship everything is bound to happen but we can make changes if we want to by cutting down the trees and making a forward way or we can continue life they way it appeared to us,

This is my random thought


Thank you 🙏🏿.

Yeah... The beauty of life is in our ability to paint and design it however we please... Your thoughts are very valid 🙂


Life indeed is a work of art, the beauties and the uglies of life and everything in between, are the things that make the world even more like an art.
