

“Oh my God, Lisa! You are still in your underwear?” Lucy queried as she got into Lisa's room to see how far she's coming with her preparations for the party at her husband's office complex.

“I told you mom, I am not going for any stupid office party.” Lisa fired, further sinking in-between her bed and her duvet.

“Wow! Look at your room girl, it’s such a mess, no wonder you don’t have any friends. I mean, do you even do your laundry Lisa? Because what’s that awful stench?” Lucy questioned as she plugged her nostrils with her thumb and index finger.

“Oh I don’t know mom, probably my undies from last summer”

“Gracious goodness! I didn’t raise this," Lucy's eyes widen in amazement as she continued, "I’m calling your father.”

“Oh, I’m so scared mom. I’m 25 years old, what is dad going to do? Whoop me?”

“Austin!!!!!!!” Lucy yelled out for Lisa’s father as she stepped out of Lisa's room slightly, not paying any attention to Lisa.

“Yes honey? Everything ok there?” Lisa's dad responded from the laundry, just adjacent to Lisa's room.

“No! Nothing is ok Austin, you need to get here now!”

Lucy commanded, causing Austin to abandon his ironing, just so he could be available at Lisa's room as quickly as he could.

“Whoa Lisa! Did a hurricane happen in your room? I mean, look at this place, the whole place is all higgledy-piggledy. I’m a man and even me, I’m not this disorganized.”

“Honey, tell Lisa to go get dressed please, I wouldn’t want to be late for the party.” Lucy urged Austin

“Lisa, why aren’t you dressed yet?” Austin questioned.

“Because I’m not going for any stupid party. I just want to be home and lazy about without the pressure of a responsible adult. Is that too much to ask?”

“Lisa, you are 25 years old, got a good result, graduated from the best University. This party is for you, I mean you are beautiful, intelligent, smart, you'll meet people and make the right connections.”

Seeing that Lisa wasn't paying any attention, as she got out of bed to fit into her Jean and hoodie, Austin continued hoping to get through to her, “everyone will be at this party. Young girls, handsome guys and wealthy elites. Every one's family will be there Lisa, do not embarrass me.”

“Hmmmm that’s sad dad because I’m already an embarrassment to you and mom. I know what you are trying to do, mother tried and failed, so you are hitting a brick wall papa. I'm not getting married and damn hell I'm not getting a job too.

Just go enjoy your elaborate office function, this girl right here is already far gone and out of your reach.” Lisa got done fitting into her outfit, she wore her sneakers then went sliding down through the roof from her room window.

“Did she just?” Lucy questioned in amazement, pointing at Lisa's window.

“Yep she did. Well, I guess it's just you and me now dear, let's go get dressed.” Both Austin and Lucy left Lisa's room to go get ready for the party.


Later that night, knowing fully well that her parents might still be out late, Lisa snuck back into her room to have a sound sleep from all her aimless midnight outings.

By morning, she was expecting her breakfast as usual, even though she noticed the house was awfully quiet. Lisa felt her parents were still mad from the previous night, so they just might be giving her the silent treatment.

She slides down from the smooth wooden stair rails and met the dinning, as cleaned as it was yesterday after breakfast.

“That's strange,” Lisa muttered as she got to the kitchen to see if there's any left over she can feed on.

“The Kitchen is just as clean too. What's going on? Mom?” Lisa called out to her mother, paused for some brief seconds, then continued, “you know what? I can make myself breakfast. I don't need you to cook my meal, Lucy.” Lisa yelled towards the direction of her mother's room.

She made a light breakfast of toast, salmon, and coffee, after which she got back to her room, picked up her phone and went on social media.

Lisa hasn't scrolled pass two posts when she started seeing updates of a collapsed building, injured victims and some feared dead. Taking a closer look at the displayed photographs, it looked just like her father's office complex, and her heart sank. She felt a sudden rush of cold and shiver through her spine.

Immediately she jolted up and dashed to her parents room but found none of them there. As she ran out of the house in a state of turmoil, it quickly occurred to her that she had no destination. Breathing heavily with her eyes welled up in tears, she scrolled through the news for any lead or update and managed to get the name of the hospital the victims were admitted in.

She quickly booked a ride and rushed to the hospital. The hospital was clustered with families of the victims, some were wailing from the sad news of loosing their loved one. Lisa kept holding back her tears and managed to identify herself, and she was taken to her parent's room.

She met her parents in critical condition, both on life support lying side by side on their separate beds. As Lisa approached her parents, her knees trembled and her legs got weak.

A walk to her parents bed side felt like a million miles, It all felt like a bad dream, and Lisa wished more than anything to wake up from it.

“Mom! Dad, I am not ready for what's to come next”. Lisa spoke softly as she burst out into tears and fell between their beds.

The doctor tried consoling her, but had to call the nurses for back up. They managed to get Lisa to calm down as the doctor explained her parents situation to her.

“They both sustained a bad head injury and the possibility of a memory loss is quite high. They will need intensive care if they eventually come out from coma. Luckily, your father's HMO will cover the bills post recovery. All they require from you is attention, love, and care to help them through this”. The doctor concluded.

Lisa listened to the doctor with wrapped attention, but went off after the doctor confirmed her parents will pull through. In her head, she was trying to come to terms with reality and how fast her life changed overnight.


Hmm, I don't know what to make of Lisa. There might have been a reason for her attitude towards her parents. But I guess she realized that life is too short, so you have to treasure the lives of those you hold dear.


Sure. Seize the day and make every moment count 🙂


The girl had to live through a very difficult situation. These are the changes that a person needs to wake up from their state and evolve. Unfortunately, her parents' accident was the catalyst for change. Your story is very interesting.

Thanks for sharing your story.
Good Thursday.
