A feasible solution to global warming.

I had just finished up with my dinner and was sweating profusely like a Christmas goat when the electricity was restored. I quickly rushed to the rechargeable standing fan in my room and increased the speed. The fan was blowing like something that wants to pull out but I didn't care because my body was on fire.


After few minutes staying in front of the fan, my body became cool. I crocheted a little and I was about getting on hive when I said to myself, why don't you just sleep and enjoy the cool breeze from the fan seeing that the light can go at anytime and it's usually not easy sleeping inside the heat as the heatwave this period is mad.

So I dived into my bed and positioned the fan to blow directly at me and trust me, it felt like heaven and in no distant time I was in lala land.

At the moment I was about to sleep, I checked the time and it was passed 7pm. In what seem to be like a split second I woke up in darkness, the room felt like I was in a bakery, my bed was soaked as I was drenched in my own sweat. I checked the time and it was 10:30pm.. So its 10 already? and I thought it's been few minutes since I slept.

I tried sleeping back but I couldn't, as my eyes were just shinning like police torchlight on the high way, so I decided to get on my social media activites. I was on the internet space until past 3am when the weather temperature dropped a bit and became cool then sleep started coming in.


Despite the fact that we should still be experiencing dry season by now, we have never had the temperature these high. Little thing now someone would be roaming naked because of the heat, that's how bad it was at my end.


Today at the office, I noticed the cloud darkened and in no distant time, the rain came pouring heavily. Now you would think the heavy down pour will cool off the heat wave but it's like the ground has been cooked, over cooked if I might add as we are currently experiencing a slight coolness from yesterday which shouldn't be so because the rain fell as if it was angry, blowing breeze like who they offended.

You know it's a great deal of concern how life changes. These should be how it all started with the dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals before they went extinct.

One thing I have come to realize is that the more technologically advanced man gets, the more endangered planet earth becomes till it gets to its limit, leading to the destruction of various life forms and then recycling itself again to it's original crude state, where seasons and weather are as should be and the atmosphere without any polluted air.


There was a time I went out and it was burning as the Sun has never been redder. I kept looking at the distance for a free taxi coming my way so I can flag it not to drive pass me.

Suddenly, I noticed a wavy atmosphere from the distance I was staring at, it was as if fire was burning but there was no fire. After that experience, when ever I go out I always look out for the atmosphere if I would see that shaking background again and I always do.

The wavy atmosphere gets more intensed at bad spots on the road where every vehicle is struggling to get a chance to pass. It also gets more intensed during traffic jam and I kept wondering but fire is not burning what is causing this shaking atmosphere?

I later got to know that the wavy atmosphere is called thermal convection currents . In another discovery, a friend told me that the wavy atmosphere I'm seeing are caused by the moving vehicles resulting from the fuel it burns to run which produces carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. I was quite intrigued by these discoveries so I started reading on it and discovered even more. I learned that transportation is the prime culprit encouraging the heat wave that is currently embarrassing us as these thermal convention currents retains in the atmosphere as heat.

The next culprit I learned about is the production of electricity which I don't quite buy because we do not generate enough electrical energy compared to our heavy dependence on fossil fuels.

Next on the list of culprits is the industrial sector which involves the use of heavy duty machines running on fossil fuel known to be the source of thermal convection current/carbon dioxide.


Our leaders need to look beyond corruption and consider our collective health in a sustainable future. Laws need to be enacted and actions need to be taken.

The economy can still run on fossil fuel if the authorities take extra measures in providing means of excessive carbon dioxide absorbtion before it evaportes into the air to trigger global warming.

Trees are excellent absorbers of carbon dioxide but sadly deforestation is now the other of the day since real estate became the new oil well. I dont know if any of you have noticed but the air in the village feels more refreshing than the air we breath in the city. I am not talking about those villages that has been urbanized, I mean the rural settlements.

For every tree brought down for civilization purposes, space should be created for two more trees to be planted back afterwards.

These are the most feasible measures into combating climate change and global warming in our environment.

One thing with nature is that, it has always protected us but when we take undue advantage of it, it fights back.

Thank you for your time. your comments and contributions will be high appreciated.


Unfortunately I think we are past the point of still being able to run on fossil fuels if excessive carbon dioxide is absorbed. There is already way too much CO2 in the atmosphere (along with other dangerous gases like methane) that we essentially need to stop burning fossil fuels immediately AND find a way to take these gases out of the atmosphere.

We should have started decades ago... but since we can't go back in time, we can only do the best we can... luckily lots of really smart people have figured out ways to transition lots of functions from fossil fuels, often in ways that create more jobs and opportunities for people. We just need to do the work.


The solutions to transit from Fossil fuel will fail in underdeveloped economies because they do not have the technical know how or ready to put in the work. like you rightly said, they would have started a long time ago but it's not too late to look towards revitalizing the Eco system by revitalizing the green vegetation. We in this part of the world cannot do without fossil fuel, best bet is to find a way to curb or reduce it's excesses.


This is where I think it's really important that developed countries like the USA, China, Germany, Australia, etc put a lot of effort and money into researching and developing renewable solutions... and then making those solutions available to developing countries. I see it as a race between sustainable technologies and petrostates like the UAE to see who can help developing countries the fastest.

A lot of renewable solutions are cheaper and require far less infrastructure, capital and maintenance than fossil fuel solutions... we just need rich countries to help your part of the world leapfrog these older fuel-burning solutions.


It would have been feasible if we have the mental capacity to. We are talking about a country that has Four refineries but none are functioning. They export crude and import finished products. Developed countries stepping in will be at our detriment but even at that, we cannot even sustain the help they will render. We could not even achieve one third of our vision 2020 lol.


Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. I didn't realise there was such a skills shortage in your country.


It's fine 🙂... hoping we get it right eventually.


The main problem is that it’s actually going to get worse because we are not ready to change our actions
At this point the only thing you can do is as an individual is to at least plant more trees at home and practice the 3rs and live a sustainable lifestyle



I think you people in Ghana have more hope than us in Nigeria lol.


This is well put. The heat is no joke, and it never ends. I am very grateful it rained last night or was it morning? Lol, I sha enjoyed my sleep.

Freedom at last.

On my way out yesterday, I saw a guy burning refuse outside, and I just couldn't wrap my head around why someone will be adding additional heat to what's going on in our world now.

Hello dearest fashionable dreemer. Happy New Day! It is Thursday, which means pypt, and I hope you had fun joining in. If you didn't get the chance to, next week Thursday awaits ya! Have a good day, beautiful/handsome. I waltzed in from #dreemport, for I am an amazing #dreemer. An awesomely made #dreemerforlife.


For the first time in a long while I was shivering last night from the cold 😅


Truly bad days everywhere. Nowhere is the climate as it has been historically. And to compound what folly mankind has done we have our corrupt politicians who don't care one bit for anything except their power. It is going to be a harsh few years. I just hope and pray that some sense seeps in to people and to their govts and we start taking steps towards sustainable living.


That's my prayer too, I am seriously hoping we get it right before it's too late. I appreciate your contribution 🤗


To an extent I believe Nigeria governing bodies are ignorant of the condition of our atmosphere. Majority of these industrial plants are owned by them, so they wouldn't want to find faults in such things since their primary aim is to ensure they stay wealthy even if earth collapse in the process.

Pop in from #dreemport


God dey na poor man prayer. Thank you for stopping by ☺️


It's terrifying what a huge impact our actions are having... we're like an infestation on our poor planet. One thing I keep thinking back to is the early days of Covid lockdown - when practically the whole earth came to a standstill - and I remember seeing something about various bad levels starting to reverse - just because mankind had stopped making a mess for a few months. Fascinating post E x


Exactly! the civilization of mankind will eventually become the death of us if appropriate measures are not put in place. It's even worse in the underdeveloped countries because we absorb all the negative externalities without putting any measures in place to curb its effect. Hoping we get it right before it's too late


Not everyone is willing and able to live a sustainable lifestyle. But we should definitely do what we can. We should also consider adding to our skills, so we can do more as we get access to more funds.

This post has been manually curated by the VYB curation project
