Ireland 2020 all cause deaths below normal


Deaths. Deaths are the focus in the alleged pandemic of the past year. Not just any death, but covid deaths, covid-19 deaths to be precise. At least, alleged covid-19 deaths. They are alleged because they have not been remotely proven to be as a result of an illness called covid-19.

You could be sick, or not sick. You could be sick due to sars-cov-2, being covid-19 illness, or sick with something else. You could have genetic material in you that they claim belongs to a virus that they haven't isolated and proven is causing illness they refer to as covid-19. You have genetic material could belong to other viruses. You can have genetic material from inactive virus that they're looking for.

But all that matters is a PCR test positive result. If you have a PCR test positive result and you die sometime after, in some places up to 48 days, then you are categorized as a covid death. You can even die and then be tested afterwards have a PCR test positive results and be counted as a covid death.

Deaths are not often the focus in the mainstream media. Alleged cases are. Cases that aren't cases. Cases that aren't cases of an illness. These are merely cases of the PCR test positive result. The media and the authorized health experts case have created a casedemic to terrorize and instill fear in people.

Getting back to the deaths. With all the conflation over falsely attributing deaths to a new virus, how do you know if there are more deaths due to that virus? You look at the all cause mortality in a year.

This has been done several places, such as Ireland, where the total deaths in 2020 are not significantly higher than in previous years. In fact in some places, they are lower than other years past. Someone looked at the data for Ireland:

The goal of this study is not to impress academics with complex statistics or seek favourable peer reviews, but to demonstrate to the ordinary decent citizen of Ireland, in the simplest possible terms, how the 2020 COVID-19 deaths claimed by NPHET every night on RTE1 and published on the website cannot possibly be true.

This study will conclude that Ireland had the lowest death rate in 2020 since 2012

We also looked at the recent surge of deaths occurring since the vaccinations began. Is it a coincidence, or is there a strong correlation?

Sounds like an interesting thing to look at, right? What is the conclusion?

By now the, mis-match that I have outlined between the NEPHET/ claimed COVID-19 deaths and the official GRO registered deaths up to Jun 2020 together with the cleaned death notices from then up to Mar 2021 can only bring you to the same conclusion that I have arrived at. That is, that the NEPHET/ claimed COVID-19 deaths are deaths of older people and people with underlying conditions who died as per normal but were fraudulently classified as COVID-19 by vested interests using PCR tests which have found to produce a high percentage of false positive results.

Furthermore, I conclude that the approximately 500 excess deaths in Jan-Feb 2021 must be related to the rollout of the vaccinations in those nursing homes during that period, and that the excessively high COVID-19 deaths claimed by NPHET/ in Jan-Feb 2021 are contrived for the sole purpose of allowing those deaths to be explained as COVID-19 as per the death records rather than adverse reactions to the vaccines.

You see, the official registered deaths is not matching up with the claimed deaths that they are attributing to covid-19. They are fudging the numbers to create deaths that don't exist in order to make people afraid and believe that there is a life-threatening threat to the whole population. Across the global spectrum, those that are most affected are the elderly, yet nearly half of people believe that children are at risk when they only have a 0.0001% chance of dying. The risk is nonexistent. Yet everything has to be shut down, lockdown, mask mandated and not being allowed to see each other. All for a lie.
