A New "The Walking Dead" Game (ENG/SPA)



Hello, gamers, everything alright? Today I won't be as long as I usually do in my posts. as I'm just recovering from wisdom teeth extraction surgery, precisely because of this, I downloaded a few games on my smartphone to pass the time, and I found this TWD game that I liked a lot and I wanted to share it with you.

Hola, gamers ¿Todo bien? Hoy no me extenderé tanto como suelo hacer en mis post, dado a que recién estoy recuperándome de una cirugía de extracción de las muelas del juicio, precisamente debido a esto, descargué unos cuantos juegos en mi smartphone para pasar el rato, y encontré este de TWD que me gustó bastante y quise compartirlo con ustedes.



The game is a survival game where you slowly grow your camp, in it there is an infirmary, three tomato farms, a workshop, the council and the campfire (several places are unlocked) and it is achieved with upgrades.

El juego es uno de supervivencia donde vas haciendo crecer poco a poco tu campamento, en él hay una enfermería, tres cultivos de tomate, un taller. el consejo y la fogata (varios lugares se van desbloqueando) y se logra con las mejoras.



From time to time you have to kill walkers that stand outside the walls and give you resources that in turn help you to grow your camp. The raiding missions also give us resources but I'll talk about that later.

De vez en cuando hay que ir matando caminantes que se ponen fuera de los muros y dan recursos que a su vez sirven para hacer crecer el campamento. Las misiones de rapiña también nos dan recursos pero de eso hablaré luego.




These are my survivors (the ones we are going on missions with) for now, I have two heroes: Glenn and Daryl (Daryl is the default) the heroes are the characters from the series, the others are just survivors. I just had to do a mission so I chose my three best ones, as it gets harder and harder as we go on.

Estos son mis supervivientes (con los que vamos de misiones) por ahora, tengo dos héroes: Glenn y Daryl (Daryl viene por defecto) los héroes son los personajes de la serie, los demás son solo supervivientes. Precisamente debía hacer una misión así que elegí a mis tres mejores ya que a medida que avanzamos se va poniendo más difícil.




It's not that difficult to play, we just have to move in turns, looking for boxes, moving objects to unlock the path (the same with doors) and getting to the other side to finish the mission, sometimes we have to choose if it's better to advance or run away before attacking the walkers, because if you run out of moves it will be their turn, and that could get you in trouble.

No es tan difícil jugar, solo debemos movernos por turnos, buscando cajas, moviendo objetos para desbloquear el camino (lo mismo con puertas) y llegando al otro lado para terminar la misión, a veces debemos elegir si es mejor avanzar o huir antes que atacar a los caminantes, ya que si se te terminan los movimientos será el turno de ellos, y eso te podría poner en problemas.



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Gradually more walkers joined in, which made things a bit more difficult, but I got through it until I was finally able to get my three survivors to the safe zone.

Poco a poco se fueron sumando más caminantes, lo que dificultó un poco las cosas, pero lo fui superando hasta que finalmente pude llevar a mis tres supervivientes hasta la zona segura.




At the end of each mission, you get rewards (which are random) but they almost always give you very nice things that help you to enlarge your camp further.

Al terminar cada misión, te dan recompensas (las cuales son al azar) pero casi siempre te dan cosas muy buenas que te ayuda a agrandar más tu campamento.



And well, people, that's all for today's post, I hope you liked it. Thank you very much as always for supporting my work, I welcome new readers, I love you all very much, I send you a hug and I'll see you in another post.

Y bueno, gente, esto ha sido todo por el post de hoy, espero que les haya gustado. Muchas gracias como siempre por apoyar mi trabajo, le doy la bienvenida a los nuevos lectores, les quiero mucho a todos, les envío un abrazo y ya nos encontraremos en otro post

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The farewell image was made in Canva. The rest of the images are screenshots I made from the game.

La imagen de despedida la realice en Canva. El resto de las imágenes son capturas que hice del juego


I find this game a bit confusing, there are so many things to do.
So it mixes turn-based battle simulation with strategic city-building simulators.


Yes, at the beginning it is quite a lot to assimilate but little by little you learn. It's not the best of games but it's entertaining for when you don't have to do anything.


I played this game a few times! The big mobile one I remember is one where you can make choices! I think it was Road to Survival?


yes, it's entertaining. i play it in my moments of rest, i had to have to haha


I don't like this reward selection system, you get almost nothing from the chests. You think you have a chance to choose the best, but it's very unlikely :P


there are better things but they almost always give tomatoes, not the best but at least they help with the constructions haah



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