Dorrys - Risingstar [ES/EN].




When Dorrys was little, she dreamed of singing, she sang everywhere as a child, she grabbed the brush and used it as a microphone, her parents were not very supportive of that idea since they were professional doctors and they expected Dorrys to also be a doctor.

While Dorrys grows up, her parents teach her that the correct path is to study medicine to be the pride of the family, so since she was little she already had a weight on her shoulders, when she stayed with her grandparents it was where she felt happy and sang all day. Her grandmother of Latin blood was very fond of Caribbean music, salsa, merengue, bachata, boleros, ballads, Dorrys listened to all those rhythms at her grandparents' house, which is why she grew up with rhythm in her blood.

When she was 15 years old, her grandmother gave her mariachis. She liked the gift so much that that night she sang with the mariachis. All those present were impressed by the voice of the young Dorrys, but her parents were not entirely happy since they did not want her to Other ideas will change the objective of being a doctor for Dorrys, while her grandmother gave her musical records and books about singing, her parents gave her a medical book, nothing to do with what she wanted.

With the passing of the years and several birthdays, Dorrys finally turned 18 and had already finished high school. Her father had already managed to get her accepted immediately by a medical university. Dorrys went to university without complaints, her grandmother always encouraged her. to study and sing so that she would be happy when the routine overwhelmed her, but problems were not lacking on one occasion Dorrys was singing in her room while she was studying for an exam when her father heard her, he opened the door and scolded her, telling her to concentrate on what important and put aside that dream of singing, this affected Dorrys a lot but nothing could take away her love for music.

The years passed and Dorrys was almost graduating as a doctor, there were only a few months left, her friends knew Dorrys love for music and singing, the university organized its first talent show, a huge stage was set up in the central patio, this would allow For many people to show their talent, her friends encouraged her to sing at the event but she was afraid that her parents would be angry about it. Dorrys tells her grandmother about the event and she is happy about this beautiful opportunity so she encourages her to introduce herself and that she would attend to see her.

The day of the event arrives and Dorrys would appear singing a well-known ballad in those years for being sung in a very famous movie of the moment, in the event there were judges from the artistic world and one of them was a famous producer, many participants danced, sang , they did magic tricks , among other things , it was Dorry 's turn everyone saw her she looked spectacular the music began to play and she began to sing , everyone was impressed and the rhythm took over the event everyone danced and sang , Dorrys gave her all .

At the end of the event everyone wanted to congratulate her, Dorrys went to hug her grandmother, she congratulated her and hugged her, when she turned around she saw that her parents were also there but for some reason their faces were happy, even tears of happiness came out of their eyes and They went to hug her, suddenly one of the judges approaches the producer and tells Dorrys - You have an incredible talent, I'm just looking for a voice like yours to record a ballad album, you would be interested in participating-.

The family was gathered at Grandma's house, everyone wanted to see Dorrys one thing, although television technology was new and in black and white, romantic movies where the protagonists sang in their sad moments, Dorrys, were very famous. He had advanced so much in his career as a singer that he managed to reach the world of cinema this time together with one of the greatest singers and actors in the country, Dorrys Triumph and his family managed to leave behind what they will say and preferred the one that makes you happy.





Cuando dorrys era pequeña soñaba con cantar , ella cantaba en todos lados de pequeña agarraba el cepillo y lo usaba como micrófono, sus padres no apoyaban mucho esa idea ya que ellos eran médicos profesionales y esperaban que dorrys también fuera medica.

Mientras dorrys crece sus padres le enseñan que el camino correcto es estudiar medicina para ser el orgullo de la familia así que desde pequeña ya tenia un peso en sus hombros , cuando se quedaba con sus abuelos era donde se sentía feliz y cantaba todo el día, su abuela de sangre latina le gustaba mucho la música caribeña, salsa, merengue , bachata , boleros , baladas , todos esos ritmos los escuchaba dorrys en la casa de sus abuelos , por lo cual ella creció con el ritmo en la sangre.

Cuando cumplió los 15 años su abuela le regalo mariachis le gusto tanto el regalo que esa noche canto junto a los mariachis todos los presentes quedaron impresionados por la voz de la joven dorrys, pero sus padres no estaban del todo contentos ya que estos no querían que otras ideas cambiaran el objetivo de ser medico de dorrys , mientras su abuela le regalo discos musicales y libros sobre canto sus padres le dieron un libro de medicina nada que ver con lo que ella queria.

Con el pasar de los años y varios cumpleaños dorrys por fin cumple los 18 años y ya había terminado la secundaria , su padre ya había conseguido que una universidad de medicina la aceptara de inmediato , dorrys sin quejas acude a la universidad su abuela la animaba siempre a que estudiara y cantara para que fuera feliz cuando la rutina la agobiara, pero los problemas no faltaron en una ocasión dorrys estaba cantando en su habitación mientras estudiaba para un examen su padre al oírla abre la puerta y la regaña diciéndole que se concentrara en lo importante y dejara de lado ese sueño de cantar, esto afecto mucho a dorrys pero nada podía arrebatarle el amor por la música.

Pasaban los años y dorrys ya casi se graduaba de medico solo faltaban pocos meses , sus amistades conocían el amor de dorrys por la música y el canto, la universidad organizaba su primer evento de talentos , una enorme tarima se armo en el patio central esto permitiría que muchas personas mostraran su talento, sus amigos la animaron a que cantara en el evento pero ella tenia miedo de que sus padres se enojaran por eso. Dorrys le comenta a su abuela sobre el evento y esta se alegra de esta hermosa oportunidad así que la motiva a presentarse y que ella asistiría para verla.

Llega el día del evento y dorrys se presentaría cantando una balada muy conocida en esos años por ser cantada en una película muy famosa del momento, en el evento habían jueces del mundo artístico y uno de ellos era un famoso productor, muchos participantes bailaron , cantaron , hicieron trucos de magia , entre otras cosas , llego el turno de dorrys todos la veían lucia espectacular la música empezó a sonar y ella a cantar , todos quedaron impresionados y el ritmo se apodero del evento todos bailaban y cantaban , dorrys dio todo de si.

Al terminar el evento todos querían felicitarla , dorrys fue a abrazar a su abuela esta la felicito y la abrazo , al voltear ve que sus padres también estaban ahí pero por alguna razón sus caras eran de felicidad incluso las lagrimas de felicidad salían de sus ojos y fueron a abrazarla, de pronto se acerca unos de los jueces el productor y le dice a dorrys - Tienes un talento increíble , justo estoy buscando una voz como la tuya para grabar un disco de baladas , te interesaría participar-.

La familia estaba reunida en la casa de la abuela todos querían ver una sola cosa a dorrys , aunque la tecnología de la televisión era nueva y en blanco y negro , era muy famoso las películas románticas en donde los protagonistas cantaran en sus momentos triste , dorrys había avanzado tanto en su carrera como cántate que logro llegar al mundo del cine esta vez junto a unos de los mayores cantantes y actor del pais, dorrys triunfo y su familia logro dejar atrás el que dirán y prefirieron lo que te hace feliz.





