To kill a Tuesday
I've finally started hybrid working and all I can say is that the one day I have to go to the office is hell. I guess what they say about humans is true, we're insatiable beings.
I think the annoying part about my office day is that it's Tuesday. I know everyone hates Mondays but I've just realized that Tuesday is the real enemy of happiness.
Wednesday is alright. Its neither here nor there because at this point, you can see the weekend.
Monday has accepted its place as the demon. The start of the week and with that comes very little expectation. You know you're fucked because it's Monday and it's more of acceptance than fight.
Thursday is the reverse of Tuesday. Its one step away from Friday and we know the joy that comes after Fridays.
But you see Tuesdays? Absolutely horrible. Tuesdays are egregiously despicable. Its like nightmare on elm Street meets wrong turn with a sprinkle of chainsaw massacre.
Tuesdays are completely hopeless with no redeeming quality. At least Mondays are horrible because it's the start of the week and you can forgive it for being evil.
Mondays don't dump you in the middle of nowhere, wishing the earth could just swallow you whole. Tuesdays, on the hand make you wish a massive nuclear bomb could just eviscerate mankind and every other living thing.
Anyway, the point is, I now officially hate Tuesdays and I'll need to have a word with Ilovemakonnen and Drake because how good must your life be to have the club going up on a Tuesday.
Hybrid work and a Tuesday is pretty good. You don’t have to deal with the crap commute of mondays and have the rest of the week to enjoy being at home.