Social Media is so negative


I've been spending a bit more time than I'd like on social media and it has been quite the experience. For the most part, I've noticed that there's quite a lot of negativity being peddled on these platforms and it's amazing how much it can affect you mentally.

Elon Musk opened the flood gates of "free speech" on Social media and in a way, it has highlighted just how far deep some humans are rotten. Its not like this is stuff we all didn't know about but just seeing how down and deity people's minds are is shocking.

I also know that the algorithm on these platforms tracks your activities and as such, would bring things you click on to the fore. Unfortunately for me, a lot of the things I click on are usually out of curiosity or just plain bewilderment.

For example, I unintentionally went down the rabbit hole of Nazi apologists on Twitter. In fact, some of them weren't just apologists, they were eulogists and I was incredibly astounded.

A small fraction of that Nazi people I saw were a byproduct of the situation in Gaza between Israel and Palestine. However, the vast majority were just bitter individuals fueled by their hatred for other people.

I also noticed that if you scrolled through the page of most of these people, you'd also find tweets from accounts posting ant-immigration sentiments. Not policy-based type stuff but just racially motivated and blind hate for another human being because of the colour of their skin.

This then took me down the rabbit hole of purely racists sentiments that were once again borne out vile hatred for others simply because of the actions of a select few. I mean, if humans were to treat because of the actions of a minority, there won't be much hope for the planet. Well, at least for the human race, everything else will survive.

I've lived in the UK for almost a year now and other than pockets of micro aggression due to speaking English with a different accent and tiny incidents of racial profiling when I worked at the Bet shop, I've not experienced any sort of discrimination that's put my safety in jeopardy.

The Internet tends to amplify the noise and that's just about it. In reality and as far as I can tell, it's just life as normal.

As if foreign gist isn't bad enough, I also have to contend with the sad depreciation that's happened to my home country. On social media, I see a lot of tribal bigots and hate for one another. Sad because outside the country, we'd all be the same.
