Riot Shield Mayhem


I've been having a lot of fun playing Loaded Resurgence and I've also been doing using Melee weapons more.

Nowadays, I run around with a Riot shield and Tonfa. I'm not going to lie, 90% of why I do it is to get those frustrated reactions from my ops.

Most people don't take kindly to Riot shields and I honestly don't know why. As far as I know, Riot shields are the best defence for people like me that aren't blessed with the ability to perform sweaty movement.

In this game, I managed to get up to 7, kills before my team was wiped out.

I also got one victory today and I'm up to 13 wins for the new season. It's not a lot but it's honest work.

In close range, guns are hopeless against a Tonfa and so, my technique is to smoke the entire fighting arena, then smack the shit out of anyone in sight. It is an efficient and devastating technique that always frustrates my ops.

I also don't bother going to look for fights because for some reason, people always come after you when they see you with a Riot shield. It's a fun way to rack up kills and troll on Warzone.


I was never good using melee attacks but they always look pretty awesome!
