Precious metals
During my break, I did a bit of window shopping at a Cash generator shop around the corner. It has beeb right there all this time and I always wanted to walk in but never did.
Anyway, today, I decided to go in because I saw a very cheap PlayStation 5 available at the shop. £375 for the game is fair price but on close inspection, I noticed the bezel not in good condition and while that's just aesthetics, I feel like I should be getting something shiny, if I'm going to be spending that amount of money.
Still on the topic of "something shiny", my eyes peered to some jewelry and precious metals that were on offer. Immediately I saw them, my mind wandered to all the publications from @trumpman about fancy coins he buys.
In case you're not aware of, Trumpman has a very weird fetish for coins. I have heard rumors that he actually performs sexual acts with the coins but not to worry, all his coins are 18 years or older.
Now I'm generally new to the precious metals industry but the information I've gotten is that precious metals were the Bitcoin before Bitcoin became a thing. So, with that in mind, I'll be looking to get them into my family's collection of assets.
For everything Bitcoin is, it certainly doesn't have any aesthetic appeal. Jewelry, on the other hand will look really good on my wife and considering she's the most important person in my life, it only makes sense that the bling is on her.
There were some finely crafted pieces at the shop that I reckon I could scupper up in the near future. I'd be saving towards buying them and adding to my family's collection of assets.
I also saw some of the nerdy ugly coins that @trumpman likes to jerk off with. He's very serious about precious metals and takes "balls of steel" to another level.
I like the idea of heirlooms that get passed down through generations and gold could be just that. Then again, crypto will be an heirloom for my family but yeah, aesthetics.
Anyway, the point is, I'm looking at gold, silver and whatever pieces of precious metals I can get my hands on.
But did they consent?
For the most part, I hear it's a coin toss.
I do have succession plan of my Tangible and intangible assets to my sons.
Feel free to show us what you got. #silvergoldstackers