I woke up this morning feeling like shit. The weather is getting to me and I do not like it.
A couple of weeks ago, I had to deal with the flu. This time, I'm running temperature, shivering and generally feeling like shit.
I feel worse than I felt when I had the flu and it is a horrible feeling. I reckon I'm going to feel this way for a couple of days.
I am categorically under the weather. I mean, I am being oppressed by this shitty winter weather and I simply cannot get a break.
I'm usually good with cold but sub zero temperature is something my body hasn't had to deal with. I'm really struggling right now and as if that's not hard enough, I had to go to work in the cold.
I've taken painkillers for the headache and back ache. Other aches are there abouts as well but I'll simply just soldier through them because there's really not much else I can do.
Please, visit the hospital instead of taking self medication. Go treat it once👌
I used to trust doctors and hospitals.
No more!
Now I'm trying to learn herbal remedies, as it's so hard to find a naturopath or a witch doctor.
In my grandma's day, there was an old woman in town, a "witch," and people flocked to her for remedies. I'd love to have met that woman (she was ancient when my gma was young, and Gma was born in 1897).
"Ahh recommends a shot o' guid Scotch watter o' life in th' morn an' anither afair scratcher!" 😉 -Hack

Not vintage stuff but this should do, right matey?