Bought the dip and waiting for the dip



Saw the price of hive below 20 cents and I just had to buy a little. I'm not quite as rich as I'd like to be, so I can't buy the thousands I'd have liked to but a few hundreds ain't so bad as well.

At the moment, I have a bit over 1000 staked and like half of that liquid. My plan for the next few months is to slowly accumulate hive and have a roughly 1:2 ratio between my liquid and staked.

At this rate and with the market where it is today, I reckon I'll be seeing decent improvement in my portfolio.

Right now, I'm not too bothered about the price of hive. What concerns me more is the volume as I believe this will matter in the long run.

Despite the general state of the market, I find myself barely being concerned by the current value of Hive. This is generally what happens when you're in for the long haul.

Besides, I'm only spending a few pounds that I'd have otherwise spent on buying a shoe or a couple of shirts. The way I see it, momentary inconvenience for long term benefits is a sacrifice I can live with.

Besides, these days, I work from home and I generally don't enjoy going outside, so I'm saving a lot more than before. Other than what I need to get to work on Tuesdays, my recreational alcohol from time to time, and the odd haircut, I don't actually spend any cash I have. I'm simply just saving it all and putting it all in low interest investments.

So yeah, even if the dip deepens, I reckon I'll be fine and for me, that'll just be opportunity to buy more at cheaper prices. I won't be mad at the market if I can accumulate a few thousand more Hive at this rate, while patiently waiting for the market to sort itself out.
