Hive Power Up Day - Last Minute Power Up, but I'm there

Crazy day at work, about three releases coming in the same time and guess who needs to cover the functional, regression, performance and automation tests for them? You guessed right, I am the lucky one on that... But as the evening came and I got offline and after spending some time with the family, I've got some few spare hours (2 hours until next day) to do also a Power Up and celebrate the Hive Power Up Day on 1st of October 2024. I know that it is last minute, but it is the best that I could do and I'm in the game.


I've scorched the Earth as fast as I could and I succeeded to put my hands on 23.503 Hive liquid. I will power it all up and join the celebration of the HPUD Event.


A little boost from my Hive Power of 43,279.929 up to 43,303.462. Not much, but how does it say: it is the gesture that counts. :) It might not be true sometimes, but on the other hand I have the routine to power up all the Hive that I get on a daily basis and even multiple times a day if it happens. Thus I am not gathering a significant amount of Hive for the HPUD event, but my account continues to grow day and night. And in the end this is what it is important - to be persistent and continue to build in these tumultuous and contradictory times, while waiting for a true bull run to appear at the horizon. And when that happens to just strike it big.

That's it for today with my Last Minute Power Up, hope you enjoy your evening and see you later. Roger Out!!! ;))

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Congratulations @behiver! You received a personal badge!

You powered-up at least 10 HIVE on Hive Power Up Day!
Wait until the end of Power Up Day to find out the size of your Power-Bee.
May the Hive Power be with you!

You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking

Check out our last posts:

Hive Power Up Month Challenge - September 2024 Winners List
Be ready for the October edition of the Hive Power Up Month!
Hive Power Up Day - October 1st 2024

It's a good practice to power up frequently and it helps to grow the account faster. It's a great strategy to improve curation reward in long term


As I am not selling any Hive anytime soon, I prefer indeed to put it at work through Hive Power rather than wait 1 month to do the Power Up. Each day is this way Hive Power Up Day. :)


Congratulations @behiver! You received a personal badge!

You powered-up at least 10 HIVE on Hive Power Up Day! This entitles you to a level 1 badge.
Participate in the next Power Up Day and try to power-up more HIVE to get a bigger Power-Bee.
May the Hive Power be with you!

You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking

Check out our last posts:

Hive Power Up Month Challenge - September 2024 Winners List
Be ready for the October edition of the Hive Power Up Month!
Hive Power Up Day - October 1st 2024

Congratulations, a power-up is better than no power up at all..
