Getting the Ruleset right


Hello everyone and welcome to another Splinterlands Tactic Analysis.

Today I have an example for you on why it is so important to play the ruleset and not just the monsters. We have a Silver League Tournament, wild, 18 mana.
Rules: Enrage for everyone, Melee attack from anywhere, and corrosive ward for everyone.

Ruleset Right.JPG
As you can see, the enemy went for Quora. Not the worst choice, but my counter is a lot better - Grund. He has already 4 Melee, so when enraged (which is easy with 11 health), he has 6 melee attack. The fiend for free attack, and then a healer - I was thinking about not adding a healer, but more melee, since a healer could take the Enrage away from Grund. But the Khmer Princess has 2 speed, and Grund 3 - so it would get healed after having attacked, which is fine.

Ruleset Right 1.JPG

Quora placed her double hit on Grund in the first round, and the game would've been over in the first round - if Grund hadn't missed Quora on its second attack. She ended the round with 3 health, and Grund with nine after being healed up again.

Ruleset Right 2.JPG

In the second round Grund did the hit, and it was over. Very short one, I know, but I thought it was importat to show how much using the rulesets can matter, especially when facing Quora and such.

I hope you enjoyed the analysis, any comment and suggestion is welcome, and as always - feel free to post your on battles and posts in the comments, and I'll check them out.

Have a wonderful day!
