I’m a huge fan of gifts. I love getting gifts and I love giving gifts. I think one of my love languages is giving and receiving gifts. I find it warming when I get gifts, it’s more like “Oh you thought about me and then you decided to get me this.” The feeling it gives is soothing and I love it so much. I have always been a huge fan of Valentine well since I am a lover girl and I love LOVE, it is okay to be a huge fan of Valentine's and all the lovely things it comes with, the exchange of gifts, and more.
Humans are different, what I consider as my perfect gift might be different from what the next person considers as his/her perfect gift. Gifting is a great act but it is okay to say that when it comes to giving gifts, there is always a sense of confusion on what to get the next person. So we end up giving cash gifts instead.
I think one of the reasons people find it difficult to pick a perfect gift for a man is because of how expensive male gifts are. When I saw this topic I decided to survey my male friends by asking them what they consider a perfect gift for them. I found out that out of 5, what 3 of them said they would love as a gift is very expensive. Imagine wanting a PS5, an iWatch, or even a car as a gift. This is why most ladies settle for gifts with the least amount as looking at other options could be quite expensive.
I do not find it difficult getting a gift for my dad or male friends as I just need to know what they like and honestly that way it is not difficult to choose a perfect gift for them. The first time I wanted to get a gift for my dad, I found it so stressful as I didn’t want to give him the usual “Boxers and Singlet” which happens to be the usual lady gifts to a man. I decided to get him a box with different items in it (a watch, a belt, cuff links, a tie, perfume, and a shoe) I think this made it easier for me since it was meant to be a surprise gift and at that time I didn’t know what he loves.
Men are not so difficult to gift, I just think most women find it difficult to spend so much on a gift for a man. If I had the money, I would want to gift my man a car or even a house. So getting the perfect gift for a man isn’t difficult find out what he likes and if you have the money get it for him. Most men do not even love expensive things, some just want breakfast in bed, or like one of my male friends said he would want a ring or someone taking him to a tattoo shop to get new body art.
So getting the perfect gift for men isn’t difficult at all.
All images used are mine except otherwise stated
Thanks for stopping by💕
Cheers 🥂
Posted Using InLeo Alpha
Getting a gift for man is actually not hard if you know the person well. Gifting them a boxer and singlet especially cheap ones is a turn of. It is better to get them something like the one you gifted your dad since it has various stuffs men always use.
Men always deserves to be spoilt once a while.
Exactly, they really deserve to be spoilt, so if the money is available it is best to spoil them☺️
Money makes love sweeter🤗
Exactly 😁😁
You crowned it all with a statement, "men are not so difficult to gift". A car would be a really amazing gift. Not to even talk of a house. That guy would never forget you.
If the money is there, why not spoil your partner ☺️
Interesting ideas. This has always been a challenge for me. I grew up in a family of all girls and my dad was happiest when we got him his favorite chocolates so my sphere of reference was limited.
Getting the perfect gift for men isn't difficult at all like you've said, they're the best people to give a gift to because whatever you get for them no matter how simple it is, they'll appreciate it...
Exactly, a man will always appreciate whatever you get for him which is super nice 😁
Like ehnn, unlike women😁
Exactly 😂😂
Found via Dreemport
Succinct! No need for too much talk.
We're not so difficult to please, really. What counts for us are that you thought of us, one, are willing to sacrifice something for us (your own money), two, and that it's something that we could show off to our friends. Capeesh.
I found this gem on Dreemport.
Exactly, men really appreciate gifts so much and I love it☺️
Thanks for stopping by
I believe most ladies have a misconception of the kind of gift men desire. I also value gift, I consider it to be a good gesture.
Pop in from #dreemport
Thank you so much ☺️
From man to a man, there is a huge difference in gifts. I appreciate the small, heartfelt gestures, but over the past year, since delving into the art of tattooing, the ideal gift for me would be to leave me in a tattoo studio and provide an unlimited supply of pizza. 😂😂😜😱