Never wanna go there. Hive naija prompt #36.

Pleasant greetings everyone!

Traveling to several countries of interest is a thing that most people look forward to, I am not exempted as well.

photo by Tranmautritan

I have heard and read stories of beautiful locations all around the world that are just so lovely to behold and I will surely visit those places in future.

Ok, enough of the countries and locations I'd love to visit. Let me share with you the one place in the world that I would never visit...ever!

I came across this country when I was reading an article online about the two places in the world where there was no Coca-Cola. This fact amused me because I thought "who would not want to have a taste of Coca-Cola?". Don't they know that food tastes better with Coca-Cola?

Thus began my research into the country that refused to patronize Coca-Cola. When I clicked on that article, five years ago, nothing prepared me for the shock I read back then.

photo by Pramod Tiwari

All the facts about that country made it repellent to me in terms of visiting it ever, not even for a day.

That country, the one I would never ever visit is North Korea also known as Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) ironic. I said that because the country operates a dictatorship and authoritarian government system but yet they claim to be Democratic.

The leadership style is akin to Monarchy, with the rule passed down through the generations. They have a one-party political system which is against all that democracy is all about.

The country is closed off to the world and the government controls the media and economy strictly, even to visitors.

There is also a strict heavy restriction on freedom of speech, movement and access to the internet. Their internet system is strictly monitored and citizens are only allowed to watch channels that are state owned, restricting the citizens of gaining information from the outside world.

photo by Pramod Tiwari

Even visitors are closely monitored to ensure that they don't break the rules, else they are sent to military prisons as punishment. Do you also know that at a certain time at night, there is total lights out?, this is also controlled by the government, how sour!

Citizens can not own cars, only government and military officials can own cars. How do they want their citizens to commute comfortably, hmm?

North Korea is a very poor country because they invest more in their military than on food. They rely on foreign aids for food and other necessities. In fact hundreds of thousands die yearly due to famine and malnutrition.

The country is highly militarized, with a long standing army that has stood strong for almost 70years. Their borders alone atest to 1.2 million military men fully armed.....just imagine trying to escape their borders, hehe.

Even travelling out of the country must be approved by the government or you cannot leave. This is so pathetic because the world is advancing but these guys are stuck up in their old ways.

I love my life and if for any reason I would attempt to leave my country of origin (my comfort zone), to another country, it would be to have a good time or seek greener pastures. I would not consciously place myself in danger or harms way thus, there are places that I would never step my feet into and the topper is North Korea.

Also, the only sites to see are nuclear weapon facilities, which is a total no for me. I don't want to become roast meat.

Thank you all for reading.


Wow! So this system of government still exist in this modern time.. Then i bet majority would be folking to be among the military since they so much favor the military base over the citizens.


Yes it still exists. Forget about volunteering for the military, military is compulsory.

Thanks for your time here.


So among all the troubles in this world, you chose to settle for coca-cola issues.
God abeg.

Since they don't have coca-cola, there should have better wine sef.
Wait, is the coca-cola that I know? I don't even fancy that drink sef. I had it enough when I was working in an eatery and ever since then, if it's not malt, then keep the coke or Fanta😅


Lol, bro it's not about Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola only brought my attention to the country.

The country too tight and strict, even as a visitor you barely move about and whatever places you visit there's restriction on how to take pictures.

That is a military base and not a country...the worst.

Thanks for your comment


Military base....
That's what 75% of Nigeria want our country to change to because they say it's going to soften things.

Imagine a condition where Tinubu commands Dangote to sell Cement for 3k and he refuses 😅


Dangote will collect wotowoto na😂😂😂


I've finally seen someone that chose a country that I would most likely have chosen. Because North Korea has always been a pretty scary place to me. Their dictator of a leader and everything in between. I giggled at the Coca cola part but again, valid reason to not visit. Really solid points listed here, Becky.🌺


Thanks @jhymi, it's the truth. That country's military set up is scary. There are military men every where, watching and monitoring your every scary.


Omo, sounds crazy, I don't even know how comfortable their leaders are in doing all these.


It's very very crazy. I think the leaders are ok because they feel secure in their small location. They are not vision driven to realize that their future might not be so bright.

Thanks for your feedback.
