Greatest fears. Qc prompt #79.

Pleasant greetings everyone.

Fear, fear fear, we all have those things that causes us to be afraid and tremble in fear. In my case, I fear reptiles a lot especially the crawling limbless animal. I also have what is known as the fear of heights also known as acrophobia. Then I have fear of large water bodies like seas and oceans known as thalassophobia but all these fears combined don't really cripple my mind as I know that they can be overcome with special trainings.

photo by Andrea Piacquadio

Fear is a crippling emotion and once it sets in, it can cause a mole hill matter to become a giant mountain. Fear has the capacity to extinguish dreams and keep people at their lowest levels in life.

There are motivational speakers who go all out to speak against fear by declaring boldly "to face your fears" but what they do not realize is this, some fears run deeper than others, having it's roots buttressed by family foundations and lineage. This kind of fear hss the potential to kill.

My greatest fear

Even though I chant it a thousand times before a mirror "I am afraid, I fear nothing". The truth is that one thing still tugs at my heart strings, still makes me shiver in fright and keeps my mind paralyzed anytime my thoughts go to that one thing.

That one thing for me is the fear of unfulfilled dreams and legacy. It is often said that old people are full of regrets before they die. These regrets stem from the fact that some of them did not live their best life neither did they taste the joys of fulfilled dreams and accomplishments. I don't want that to be my story as well. I believe in happy endings, an ending that eill keep me smiling till I breathe my last. That's why I do my very best to live my best life now, irrespective of the circumstances or economic issues.

I take short trips to different places to explore and feed my mind and eyes with beautiful sceneries as much as possible....the motto is no regrets.

photo by Mart Production,

As for the legacy part, my greatest fear is leaving this world without keeping treasures for my children. It is said that a wise man leaves a legacy fir his children and theur children. I don't want to fall into the category of the unwise but the wise. I want my kids to have an edge, a support system that they can also pass on to their own kids.

The ball is already in motion to realizing this and alleviating my fears. I have a great affinity for teaching and education in general. I'm working towards owning my own establishment, which can later be passed on to my children and theirs as life progresses.

Life might not be fair or balanced but we owe it to our future generation to give them an edge of support, so that they do not pass through the hardships that we experienced. Dying without leaving a means of support for my children scares me to bits. I see the kids of some deceased parents wandering the streets and begging alms and this brings tears to my eyes. I don't want my kids to pass through such situation, I owe them that much. It is my responsibility to ensure they are settled before I depart.

Thank you all for reading....shalom.


I believe every parent desires to leave a legacy and a support system for their children and generations to come, that is how it should be but situations can make one not to realize those dreams and this will lead to regrets.
May we not experience this as we strive to make our tomorrow better.


Amen oooo. God helping us, we will not be among the disadvantaged ones


Life might not be fair or balanced but we owe it to our future generation to give them an edge of support, so that they do not pass through the hardships that we experienced.

This part is so good fam and you're totally right on this. We have to do what is in our power to improve our situation and that of the following generations. 👏👏👏👏👏


I admire your level of self-awareness. And despite your fears, I'd say you're courageous and resilient. What you're doing for posterity is wonderful, Becky, and I imagine your kids calling you "the best mom in the world." You love to teach, bah? Come help me with my students...

By the way, I see you use the leofinance tag. Have you tried using InLeo to publish into your favourite communities? You'll stand better curation chances from the Leo team that way.



Yes I love too teach o Jay but I'm a physics guru like you😁😁.

Yes I do post using the inleo front end. Thank you Jay

Happy good Friday, holy Saturday and Easter celebration to you


You're a physics guru too? Wow. I never realised.


Sorry, I meant that I was not a physics guru like you. My area of specialization is Biology
