Choice super power. W.E #219.

Happy weekend to you all.

Having a super power is surreal. Just imagine waking up from sleep to find out that you could float on air, lift things, talk to people without speaking, bring out fire from a finger and all that. I bet that would make my day splendid.

Growing up, I was a huge fannof the X-men series and while I liked each character with their super power, I especially liked Jean Grey's ability the most. She had a combination of telepathy and telekinesis. It's no wonder why the prompt for this week's weekend-engagement caught my fancy.

Telekinesis is the ability to move things around with the mind or change a state of matter from one for to another while telepathy is the ability to read people's thoughts. I want both of them really because they are both awesome super powers but to stay in line with the prompt abd choose just one of them,then I would ideally go for telepathy.

My reasons

Being able to read people's thoughts might not be the best option but it has its benefits. I know there is a risk of me hearing something that is so demeaning or unpleasant about myself or someone close to me but the benefits far outweigh the demeirts. Telepathy affords me the ability to find out for sure who is really on my side or should I say who is really my friend. I trust easily and this has given some persons access to exploit me a lot but with telepathy, I will be able to tell those who really want to be my friend from those who are exploiters.

In relationships, I bet a lot of heartbreaks would have been avoided if one could read their intending partners mind. Being able to hear the inner thoughts of the guy who is professing love with his lips but something else in his mind would save a lot of us ladies, the hassles of multiple dating.

Also, telepathy will help catch bad guys. Some people are in prison for crimes that they never committed either because they were e set up or used as a scapegoat. In the court of law, what reigns is evidence rather than sentimentality but imagine that I am a member of the jury and I can read thoughts. I would be able to give the right verdict and lead the court to apprehending the real culprit.

Another area where this super power would come in handy is in the government sector especially during campaigns and political rallies. I would be able to decipher which political aspirant is suitable for the chair. This will help in electing better government officials who are ready to serve the nation into political offices.

Coming down to my area of speciality which is the education sector, telepathy will help me to be able to communicate with stubborn teenagers. Being able to read their minds and understand what they truly want will help in guiding and counseling them. We can attest to how tideous it is to reason with teens who seemingly want to have their own way, so this supwr power can be of great help.

There are up and downsides to having this super power but I choose to flow with the merits of it, using it as an opportunity to making the world a better place.

Thank you all for reading.. shalom

Images are mine.


I remember a movie, although can't remember the name, this lady was given the spirit of telepathy, and she almost ran mad because she couldn't control her power and because of the horrible things she could hear them think. 😁😆

I hope if this wish of yours comes through, you will be able to control yourself, especially when you start hearing the too many disgusting and bad thought that runs through the hearts of humans 🤣🤣🤣.

It was nice reading your entry.


Lol, I would definitely go for training to be able to switch on or off mode for the ability.

Thanks and have a great week
