Before the chimes of wedding bells.

Being in love and in a romantic relationship can be a very blissful feeling especially when the direction is known, heading towards tying the knot. As much as it feels so good to be in love, I believe that love is neither stupid, blind or ignorant.

Gone are the days when this cliche "love is blind" thrived. In this era and time, "the eyes and brain of love is open and alert" and rightly so. The increased birth mortality rate, down syndrome births and genetically defect births is alarming and a cause for concern. I'm sure no parent plans to have a baby with defects or birth complications. Every parent wants to have a healthy normal baby and this is very possible if certain steps are taken. One of such major steps is getting a medical test done for both partners before the big question is popped.

This medical test is usually coined as medical compatibility test which involves blod group testing and genotype testing. To be compartible simply refers to the ability to fertilize freely and easily in a relationship. This is highly essential as if the tests are waived off, it could lead to future complications in the offsprings and become a burden on the relationship itself. Let's go deeper into what a medical compartibility test entails....

What is a medical compartibility test?

These are series of medical tests done in a medical laboratory to identify potential incompatibilities between blood group systems and genotypes and the major purpose is to curb birth defects and future complications in offsprings.

As one who is scientifically inclined, I can give detailed explanation to lovers on how compatibility works. For starters, we must understand the various blood group types, rhesus factors and genotypes. When these are known and understood, it becomes easy to dive deeeper into the workings of what to expect from the medical tests.

Each blood group ( A, B, AB,& O) are attached with a protein (rhesus factors) on the surface of red blood cells. These proteins which are hereditary can affect foetal development during pregnancy. So we have rhesus positive and rhesus negative attached to blood groups when a blood test is done. The implication here is that if a rhesus positive male impregnates a rhesus negative female, the female needs to ne administered with a Rh immune globulin especially after the first pregnancy otherwise, she would suffer concurrent miscarriages in future (no one wants that, I believe).

Moving on to the genotypes, we have AA,AS,SS,AC & SC. It is scientifically proven that parental genes define the offspring genes. Take the chart below for clarity;

Parents. = Offsprings
AA + AA = AA,AA,AA,AA ( excellent outcome)
AA + AS = AA, AA, AS, AS (Good outcome)
AA + SS = AS, AS, AS, AS ( Fairly good outcome)
AS + SS = AS, AS, SS, SS ( bad outcome)
SS + SS = SS, SS, SS, SS ( very bad outcome)...

From the above genetic chart, we can see the favourable and unfavourable outcome when two genes are crossed. The genotype SS is linked with sickle cell anemia, an illness characterized by frequently falling prone to many illnesses. I have witnessed first-hand, the pains of losing a child to a sickle cell anemia after years of care and nuturing. Children who suffer from sickle cell anemia don't have a happy and normal childhood as they are always sickly. Think about the stress of running from one hospital to another whenever the child falls ill, it is so terrible and all these can be avoided, if lovers can get the tests done promptly.


Personally, I advice lovers and intending couples to get their medical tests done as early as six months into the relationship and if they had been tested previously, they should still go for other tests like;

Fertility test
Hepatitis test

  • Std's test*
    Genetic condition history test
    HIV/AIDS test

All the above mentioned tests are essential for a medical smooth sailing of a relationship. No matter how much in love you are with your partner, you owe it to each other and your offspring to get these tests done and save yourselves future sufferings and pains.

If it is discovered that both partners are incompatible even if the relationship has been on for a long time, my advice is separation. You need to put posterity in view Be adviced that the feelings of love will wane when the relationship hits the rocks. To spare each other from such future pains and had I known's, the lovers should amicably bring the relationship to an end and move on with their lives for their own betterment.

Thank you all for reading. shalom

This post is my entry to the second question prompt for week #55 in the #hivenaijaweeklycontest.

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This is so apt! I have seen cases of children suffered from sickle cell anemia. It's so bad and for this not to happen, partners need to undergo series of test to confirm their compatibility because if not done, this affect a child who later suffers and never enjoy good life.


Marriage is one thing but the process one has to take before even getting married. Aha
All this test
I still wonder how people survive back in the days when technological advancement in the medical world hasn’t surfaced


The tests are not much, you only need to state what you want and one blood sample is enough to get by, so don't be scared.

You can begin now to go for some of these tests, they are not difficult at all. This way you will be ready before marriage.


Wow. I’ve been so educated! I had no ideas of these things. Damn right. This is a beautiful educational article.


Thank you so much for reading and your lovely comment.


You are indeed scientifically inclined. See how you dissected the topic verrrry well..that's a great insight!
It's been a concern and I hope that lovers do the needful and on time before getting deeper into relationships otherwise it becomes difficult to separate and failure to do so, will only lead to birthing liability to yourself. We wouldn't want to bring a child to this world just to suffer and die

Thanks for participating ♥️


Exactly o, I know I won't want my hard journey of mine months to go to waste.

Thanks fir your insightful comment ma


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It's true o, love is no longer blind, Love don open eye now. One need to think very deeply and do the necessary checkup and avoid continuing in a relationship with someone who is medically incompatible. Thank you for sharing


Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts on this.


Such a very educative and informative article, marriage nowadays are based on money and material things couples no longer do the needed things like checking your blood group and genotype before marriage and it's not a good one. I personally love how you have shown us the different blood group and genotype with a chart of your own and the possible outcome your child will have, indeed i learnt a lot from your post.


Thanks for your kind words. I'm glad you learnt from my post


I love how you took time to break it down.
Sickle cell is something you don't wish even for your enemy.
Being medically compatible is the only way to avoid it.


Exactly, I can't wish it on any human being at all. The stress and pain is not worth it.

Thanks for your thoughts and input👍
