Beautiful diversities of wedding cultures.

Weddings are beautiful events that inspire the feelings of love, romance and togetherness. I am a die hard fan of wedding events, I love to watch two love birds exchange their vows. I get all mushy emotionally and teary eyed plus my heart melts like cheese placed on hot toast.

Before the wedding proper, there are several other stages to pass through. For some cultures its two stages and for some three or four stages while some just get straight to the altar with their chosen partner.

I hail from the Southern part of Nigeria and even though I did not grow up there but in the Western parts of Nigeria, I'm still aware of how things are being done when it concerns marriage.

Today, a family relative began the first stage of the marriage process. This is popularly referred to as "knocking on the door" or "introduction".

This first stage simply involves both families of the bride and groom meeting officially. The bride's family seeks the consent of the bride to receive gifts from her suitors. If she consents then the first stage is successful and the marriage process continues to the next stage but if she refuses, then the marriage process will be halted pending resolutions or another suitor.

Like I mentioned earlier, it is supposed to be a simple in house affair between both families coming to introduce themselves officially but nothing prepared me for the event I attended today.

This family relative in question had already given us heads up about her introduction. She also mentioned that her suitor is also from the West like herself ( her mum is from the south but married to Western). She claimed she wants the whole marriage process to be done in the Yoruba (Western) way.

I thought it would be a simple affair that would not take up much time but I was mistaken. The first surprise came when I saw a traditional spokesperson also called an "alaga" in Yoruba culture. She was the one who coordinated the meeting between both families but something seemed off to me and that was her way of taxing everyone for cash. Prayer time she would request for money, after each individual introduction, she would pass a bowl round and ask for money.

As if that was not enough, when the bride was being led out from the inner room, she requested for transport money or the families would not see the bride. After that, the bride was asked to present her husband for all to see and to also take him to her elders, this spokesperson asked for money again. I was already feeling irritated because my purse was getting dried up of cash but I was told that it was a norm with the Yoruba culture and so I had to bear with them.

I felt pity for the groom's family because they were taxed a lot but I guess the joy of the marriage process caused them not to complain.

Finally, after about two hours and a lot of taxes paid, the ceremony came to a conclusion awaiting the second stage which is the "bridal list and bride price payment stage". Hmm, I hope the grooms belt is tight o because he would spend a lot again before the wedding proper.

the bride to be

The introduction ceremony was quite interesting, the bride to be looked gorgeous and the groom to be was quite handsome as well but it was stressful in my opinion. Luckily I won't be subject to this norms because in my culture, things are done differently.

A big congratulations to the latest upcoming couple.

Thank you all for reading.. shalom.

Images used are mine.


Hahaha. That is how those Alaga use to do oo. You being a guest must be prepared to pay money because of the way they tax people. I don't even used to mind them, shebi na person wey get money go drop 🤣
They know how to tax one to pay for every stage in the event. But it is all fun especially with alaga that is very humorous and good at her job.


This alaga was very humorous, to be sincere but her way of taxing people money when, it carry weight. She called the money nairamaicin, saying that it's the only thing that can make her feel ok😂😂😂


The bride-to-be looks beautiful, she has an amazing smile, all through I couldn't get my eyes off her beautiful smile though.


Every culture has unique ways of conducting traditional marriage ceremonies. Although I've not attended any Yoruba wedding before, I know that dem dey do pass themselves.
Sorry you were not informed about the taxes before you went 🤣


I wish I was told o chai, it would have made me feel better.

Thank you sis.

How is your weekend going?


Very well although the weather is so hot
