She couldn't believe it


Sonia and Dan have been friends for years, Sonia loved Dan so much, but she never knew that Dan was playing with her emotions until the butt dial happened.

Sonia met Dan when he came back from Europe with nothing, Dan had no job and was struggling to survive, Dan rarely had food to eat, he was looking so unkempt because he had no source of income.

Dan was tall and handsome, and that was what attracted Sonia, she loved it when a guy was handsome and tall. Dan was looking for how to survive, and in the process, he met Sonia. Sonia had a lucrative job, she worked with a pharmacy and had other side hustles.

Sonia thinks she has met the love of her life, but Dan has a different thought, he feels he has gotten a big fish and doesn't have even an atom of love for Sonia.


Sadly, Sonia invested a lot in Dan,at first, Sonia got him an apartment, opened a very big business for him, on daily basis Sonia got him good food, Sonia changed his wardrobe and got him good clothes.

Sonia took Dan to meet her parents and her mother saw that Dan was there just because of Sonia's financial assistance.

When they left back to the city, Sonia's mother called her on the phone and said, "Do you know that this Dan of a guy doesn't truly love you?" Sonia said, "Mom, I don't believe you, Dan will always express his love to me, he will always say he loves me so much." "And you believe just simple words of mouth"? Sonia's mom asked her, Sonia said, "Mom, don't worry, we are good" Then her mother went off the phone.

That call got Sonia to think about her relationship with Dan, and at some point, she felt her mother was right because Dan was only concerned about financial support, but at the same time, Sonia's love didn't allow her to see the true color of Dan.

One day Cleopatra, Sonia's friend, asked Sonia, "Have you seen Dan's family members before?" Sonia replied, "No, he said when the time comes" " Please, when will the time come?" Cleopatra asked, "Are you sure this guy is not fooling you? Cleopatra asked again. Sonia was confused about everything, yes, she knew her friend was making a point, but she didn't know if she was jealous of her or if she had her interest at heart.

Sonia approached Dan and asked him why he had been hesitant in taking her to see his family members, Dan told her that he couldn't present a woman to her family if he was not yet financially stable, he told her not to worry, "Immediately I become financially stable I will take you to my parents and our wedding plan will start immediately" Dan told Sonia.

That sounds reasonable to Sonia, and she increased her financial assistance to Dan to speed up the whole journey, not knowing she was just wasting time and resources.

One day, Dan told her that he would be traveling to see his parents and would be back in Just a week, Sonia gave him some money, and she bought foodstuffs for the parents and some clothes for his siblings.


After a few hours, Dan left the town, Sonia's phone rang, and it was Dan calling, unknown to Dan that his phone had sent the last number he called which was that of Sonia, Sonia picked up an heard voices in the background, people were laughing uncontrollably so she decided to know why such laugh, could it be they like the things she bought for them?, she now heard Dan saying "She has been begging me to bring her home, and in my mind, I said she would not understand that she's just my oil well, I don't love her" Sonia couldn't believe her ears, she kept listening, she heard a ladies voice who said "Women can misbehave sometimes, how could she be spending all this and she doesn't know you don't love her ", Dan replied, "how would she know when shes carried away by my look, by the end if this year I would find a way to break up with her and continue with Betty my beloved, She's too old for me, I can't present her to my friends as my fiancee".

Sonia was broken 😭, she didn't know what to do, she dropped the call and started crying, she called her friend Cleopatra and she came over.

Cleopatra reminded her of their discussion a few days back. She told her she overheard the guy's conversation about Sonia, and she wanted Sonia to find out things by herself.

Sonia took action immediately, she went to Dan's shop and locked it up with a second key, she went to his house and packed everything she bought for him, then waited for him to come back.

Dan kept calling her for days but she didn't pick up, so he decided to come to see her when he got to his shop he noticed it was locked with extra keys, he got to his house and met the house empty, he quickly went to Sonia's house to ask her what is going on.

Sonia told her what she overheard him saying on the phone. Dan couldn't deny it, and that was the end of the relationship and financial assistance from Sonia.


I feel for anyone who has gone through a situation like this, I found out a previous partner was cheating in a similar way... Sonia needs to realize her true self-worth before she lets others take advantage of her again like that!

Thank you for sharing, good luck! 🙏 Enjoy your week
