Rules For Thee but Not for Me: Blatant corruption is at the end of every Empire.
European banks are starting to get contagion from US bank failures? You don't say!
The Big Banks want you not to be able to short sell them! Banks may be failing and there's no culpability with bailouts, but no no no short selling them! I wonder if the government will listen. It's not like the Banks have an ownership of the Federal Reserve.
So looks as though cannibalization of the system is occuring. After all, when you seal up the economic gates, balances start to shrink everywhere. Sure we can try some hedges for inflation etc..
But the cost of living will go up regardless. Constant attack until the lords and the serfs are well known. The middle class needs to lose their jobs in order to cure inflation! That's what the FED and GOV say.
Rules for thee but not for me refers to a new emerging idiomatic phrase, that is used by people to express their disregard for certain regulations.
It is often used in critique of politicians, who always seem to break their own laws.
They don't ever break their own laws.
They are above those laws!
Its like expecting Microsloth security to arrest Gilly Bates for poisoning the world.
These people OWN the govern-cement (a corporation)
So, of course they are above the law.
Banks are definitely in big trouble. Government will clean their mess while doing more damage. Same game, different rules.