Unraveling the Mysteries of Cancer and the Way Out

"A comprehensive discussion about the disease."


  • There is a saying that "Health is Wealth" and because of this I will like to enlighten us more on this deathly disease which has cause more harm than good to our society at large. ♋ Cancer is one of the most complex disastrous disease that has destroyed so many life's in the past and present years.

Despite the constant advancements in medical field and consistent treatments, it still remains the leading diseases globally. This article surely aims to review everything about cancer, exploring it's causes, types , treatments options and more efforts on the cure.

What is cancer;

Cancer are numerous diseases caused by an uncontrollable division of abnormal cells in the human body or its also an uncontrollable growth in a human body that spreads faster than it can be controlled. This abnormal cells develop tumor affects the tissues and organs in the body which hinders them to function effectively as always.
  • There are different types of cancer diseases such as; prostate cancer, breast cancer, cancer of the lungs, colon cancer, leukaemia and many others.
    Cancer can affect any parts of the body which can lead to death if not treated properly.


Causes of cancer;
Cancer are mostly cause by the following which I will discuss on the key ones.

  1. Alcohol consumption; In our society at large, alcohol is one of the most widely sold liquid for consumption which serves as a drink in causing more harm than good to our well being.

Out of the ignorance of many citizen today, alcohol is now taken as a thing of pleasure in a very high rate of consumption uttering the fact that it was known as a herbal medication that helps in curing different types of disease when mixed with other roots gotten from trees and plants.


  1. Drugs;
    Drugs as mention above is also a strong cause of cancer that destroy most vital organs in the body due to the cause of the misuse of it and excessive amount being consumed by most people today.
  • The essential function of drugs were for human health and wellness but it's now abuse. Other causes of cancer are; Tobacco use, unhealthy diet, physical activity, air pollution and other noncommunicable diseases.

Solutions for a cancer free life;
Medically cancer has no cure yet, but it can be prevented for a period of time and the ways it can be prevented are;

  1. Avoid essence consumption of alcohol,
  2. Maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle
  3. Eat a healthy diet daily
  4. Protect yourself from sexually transmitted infections e.g STD and HIV.
  5. Always get yourself checked in the laboratory or hospital once in a while.

Cancer may be the most deathly disease in our country today which may have destroy the life of many innocent people and also all the efforts been proven by all medical practitioners to ensure that the cure is known, prove to no avail, both in God Almighty we all hope that the rate of death cause by cancer will be evaluated and solve so that we can all live a disease free life.

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