See the world.


Life gets busy. So busy that we hardly have time for ourselves, especially when we are in the phase of building from scratch. I know this because I am living in a world where hustling is the way of life. I know there are a bunch of us in this lane. The hustling lane where each day we open the precious gift; our eyes, the next thing on agenda or even the next thought that comes in is the work we need to get done for the day.

But for how long are we going to keep on with the hustling spirit without a break? I don't know for you, but for me, I have gotten to break that chain. Yes, I still hustle, but I give myself time to rest and truly see the world. Many of us have been so busy that we don't even get to celebrate things or even see the beauty around us because there's no time to pause. We need that hustle so badly so that we can rest after we've made it.

However, the truth of our world is sometimes the opposite of that. I have lost close relatives who gave their all to hustling and trying to create a better life for themselves. That's the sad reality of our lives. Apart from death, we end up growing too fast and forgetting to enjoy the moment that we miss out on so much. Months turn to years, and before we know it, our bones aren't as strong as they used to be. Some of us truly make it, but in the end, we have no fun memory to reminisce on. Sometimes, we even end up spending so much on drugs because of how we've stressed ourselves.

And, other times, we end up not being able to go to places we planned to visit when we make it in life because our body doesn't agree with us. Also, there's another scenario where life still doesn't work out, and we'd still be in a hustling phase after years of hard work.

This is why it is necessary that we create time to see the world. I know some people who haven't left the same town they grew up in. They've not explored the world and do not know about opportunities that lie outside their zone. And, it is very sad. I know life can be too much, but we shouldn't forget we live only once. Just once, and the curtain closes on us. So, why not start small? Start with taking a little break from work and go outside your room. Look around you, and you'd see the new building or the color of something you'd never seen before.

Try as much as possible to explore. Enjoy the beauty of nature around you. Breathe it in and sit in silence for a minute or two. Go online and see the world through others' lenses. Create your world by going out, too. Go to parks, visit gardens around you, take a walk to your bus stop, and visit that shopping mall today. Create those memories for you because you truly deserve them.

Image Used Is Mine

Still yours truly,

Thanks for reading.

Peace be unto those who crave it and more to those who chase it away.


How long we can hustle without taking a break? - This question hit the core of my heart. We do indeed work work work without thinking about ourselves, and we are aging; good days are going away without even getting noticed.

We need to create time to see the world - that's what we need.

Great write up.


Yeah, good fun days pass us by in the hustling mode, and that's sad.

Yes, we do need to. Thanks for reading.


Wow, you just opened my heart and spilled out my utmost desires. More than amassing wealth or achieving grey heights, I want to be able to enjoy life as it is.

Life is a journey and sometimes, we only focus on the destination and forget to enjoy the actual journey and process of time. We forget to look out and see the beautiful scenery, trees and landmarks that artistically align the sides of the road.

I loved reading this🥰


Yes, we forget so much because of what we are chasing. I hope we stop forgetting to truly live life like we should. Even machines take a rest.

Thanks for stopping by.


The world is going at a fast pace, so much that some of us are left behind, while hustling to make ends meet. Yet, the ends refuse to meet, and we end up losing the times we would have used to enjoy a little bit of our life. It's such a pity.

I've resolved to always take a break when it matters, and indulge in things that will give me pleasure. We only live once.

Thanks for sharing this beautiful piece.


The world is indeed fast, and before we know it, a new year would begin.

Yet, the ends refuse to meet.

Haha, yeah, sometimes, the end refuses to meet, and it is very pitiful as you mentioned.

That's very good. Keep it up.

Thanks for reading.
