

Grinding her teeth silently, Eloise stared at the guy beside her with a sneer. "How did I fall in love with this numskull?" she thought before opening the car window to allow in some air to clear her mind.

As the car drove on, Eloise stared at the outside world through the window. The busy road, the honking and all, disrupted her mind, but still, she preferred them to just sitting quietly in the car with her supposedly fiancé which she did not remember.

He has been all chummy with her at the hospital and she hates it though she tried her best to calm the irritation she has for him after he had shown her a series of pictures that showed her face with him together in a... in a... rom..

Shutting her eyes together, Eloise swore on her breath.

"Gosh! I can't believe I am thinking about this. How could I ever have done that with him?" she murmured, clenching and unclenching her fist together.

"We are home!" a high pitch voice rings close to her ears.

"Geez! Stop that, please!" she screamed, pushing him away before opening the car door in a hurry.

"What's happening? Why did he come so close to her like that? She has been trying to be kind to him, but he is really pissing her off with his presence." She thought aloud as she found her way into their apartment. "Their?" saying that really sucked.

"I am sorry I..."

"God!" Eloise said, placing her palms on her chest. "Would you please stop sneaking up on me? I don't like it and learn to speak quietly. Where is my room?" she asked, cutting his statement off.

Smiling deeply, he pointed her to her room, and Eloise couldn't help but scoff. "How could he smile after her outburst? Is he mentally unstable?" she questioned briefly before walking past him to her room.

The moment she opened the door, sweet cinnamon air filled her nostril, and she breathed in the scent. "Wow, this room smells nice. Maybe coming here wasn't a bad idea after all." She thought as she walked around the room with a smile. She let out a deep sigh as she remembered what had happened at the hospital.

A few hours ago at the hospital.


"It'll be best if she stays in a place filled with her memories and also with people who can help her with it. It'll help her remember things since her chart shows she has a short-term memory loss. Everything will come back, but it'll take time." said Doctor Philip.

"What are the symptoms we should look out for?" David, her supposedly fiancé had asked.

"When it comes to retrograde amnesia, as you have noticed, she can't remember people or places, her favorite food, owning a car and others, but that doesn't mean she won't be able to talk, or respond to things well. Showing her pictures, taking her to places she loves, and many more can help with her memory loss. However, make sure to stop her from forcing herself to remember. It can be dangerous." The doctor replied with a smile, and Eloise couldn't help staring at them both as they spoke about her like she wasn't in the room with them.

Immediately, the doctor left, David had concentrated on her, checking on her like she was some sort of pie ready to be eaten. "I want to go home." She had said, and he had agreed.

"I'll pick up your drugs and any other thing, and then we can go home." He had responded.

"No! I want to go home to my parents." She had rephrased, and she couldn't forget the sadness that took over his face as he responded.

"Your Dad has been dead for more than 5 years now, and your mother has a stroke. We both got her a nurse and always visit her on weekends." and that was when he brought out his phone and showed her pictures they took of their time together with her mom and others of her with him.

However, for some strange reason, she didn't like him. Maybe it must have been the tattoo on him. It triggered something deep inside her, and it disgusted her. She wanted to tell him she'd rather be in a hotel or go anywhere else than stay with him, but on second thought, she decided to go home with him and see if she could remember her life and get out of his comfort zone.

Present Time.

With head on the soft bed, she looked around the room and saw that the things inside didn't scream, the room only belonged to her. Standing up from the bed, she went to the bathroom and saw that there were two brushes, and... everything is just in two's. "That means this is our room. Is that why he smiled?" she thought briefly before walking out the door to the sitting room to meet him.

"I asked you to show me my room. Don't I have a separate place in this house?" she asked him with a glare.

"Calm down, El. I am sorry about everything that is happening to you. But we do things together. That's how it has always been because it brings you comfort. I can sleep in the sitting room. I don't mind at all as long as it brings you peace." David said calmly.

And for a moment, Eloise's heart made a strange beat as she stared at him. For some reason, he looked so beautiful in her eyes, and she blushed, but the moment she saw his tattoo, it irked her.

Swallowing deeply, she asked, "Why is it that your tattoo makes me want to puke?" If we are truly together, why don't I like it?"

Sighing deeply, sadness filled his face as he stared at her. "It has to do with your Dad. He had a tattoo on him as well, and you didn't like him because he beat your mom. It made you believe people with tattoos were bad people, but that changed when you knew the real me because you knew why I had a tattoo, too. It wasn't by choice but a necessity. My Dad beats my mom too and also me. He burned my skin, and they left a scar on me, which is why I chose a tattoo to cover them."

Walking closer to her, he touched her hands, and Eloise felt her heart ache as she held his hands as well. "I know for you to remember won't be easy, but I am here with you every step of the way. And I am sorry a drunk driver smashed your car. You were on your way to pick me up from work when it happened. This is why I'll continue doing the things I do with you, and I earnestly hope they ring a bell and your memories back." He concluded.

And Eloise found her hands wrapping him as he did her. "I love you, El." He whispered sweetly, and for a swift moment, Eloise heard a heartfelt laugh while holding onto someone familiar. It was like she was seeing a movie as a glimpse of her memory hit her nerves.

Chuckling deeply, a single tear slid down her cheek as her heart beat calmly, and it was then she was sure that she indeed loved him.

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What a sweet story, @balikis95. It was hard to understand what was going on at first, but the story really took off. You added a very interesting sub-plot with the tattoos and the backstory of the abusive fathers. While Eloise still doesn't quite remember everything by the end, it is believable that she will at least learn to love her fiancé again. Nicely done.


Yes, it sure is believable she will learn to love him because they have something in common. Thanks for stopping by.


I really liked reading your story. It is touching and reflects her true love, even though she didn't remember anything she felt deep down that she loved him.

Thanks for sharing your story.
Good day.


Thank you so much for reading and your thoughts on this as well. Have a good day.


Nice writeup showcasing love capsuled in a bit of hatred and fear bred by memory loss. In the end true love prevailed. Welldone🌹🌹🌹


This is a beautiful read Balikis🥰😊, it is refreshing knowing that Eloise will remember her memory with time.



Woah @balikis95 warn us before you take us on such roller coaster rides :)
Very well written my friends. It was beautiful. With a few lines it was clear what you were trying for, but your execution was perfect! I am feeling extremely jealous :)

Keep on the good work matey!

Cheers from a fellow #dreemerforlife


Hehe... yes, Sir Dreemer 😂😂. Thank you so much for coming around. I hope you are well.


A lovely story, Bali. You paint a believable picture of memory loss and the impact it can have on a person and their loved ones. Thankfully David is sensitive enough to understand what Eloise must be going through and is prepared to give her time to adjust. I dropped in from Dreemport this evening.



Thank you, and that's right. David understood clearly what was at stake. Thank you for stopping by dreemer ☺️.


Wow! can't help but felt a certain type of way in my heart.. I love ❤️❤️❤️❤️
