Exploring a fish farming business to decide my potential at fish production
Fish farming refers to the production of fish in a place where there is fresh water or in a surrounding that water is located and water is covered with a cage or a with a breathable net.
Fish farming is one of the major business in Nigeria, it is a profitable business if only one is determined to do it, it is also a risk bearing business, when I mean by risk bearing the farmer should be able to bear any risk that occurs
Though every business has their different risk, like that of the fish is that sometimes the fish is been flushed by heavy rain fall ,a few years back many fish farmers in my area lost if not all most of their fish due to the heavy rain fall that occur that year the fish was flushed into the river that is close to their farm and many people who can swim use the opportunity to catch them some even use it for business though I had some people lost their life in the process.
This fish pond is very close to my rice it belongs to a neighbor of mine in the farm he usually harvest his fish before September cause
that's when the water get much so he doesn't have to risk it
This made me to have interest in the business and am thinking of using one of my farm for these fish farming cause this business worth trying
Your insight into fish farming is both informative and inspiring! 🐟🌾 The way you've highlighted the opportunities and challenges of this venture is truly valuable. It's evident that fish farming holds immense potential in Nigeria's agricultural landscape. The account of the heavy rainfall's impact on fish farmers underscores the need for adaptability and resilience in this business. Your neighbor's strategic timing for harvest to avoid water overflow showcases the importance of timing and thoughtful planning. Your enthusiasm to embrace fish farming and dedicate a part of your farm to it is commendable. Best of luck on this exciting journey of exploration and growth! 🐠🚜🌱
Thanks so much am grateful
You are most welcome @ayomiku