Carrying out hand weeding on our farm, experimenting soya beans growth to determine its production potential
Good afternoon to everyone in this community
Soya beans like the other legume family do not require too much rainfall hence it is not planted when the rains are heavy until the rainy seasons is beginning to gradually come to an end
Two to three seeds are planted per hole and at this stage of growth we do hand weeding to clear bush from the farm.
Weeding is done at this stage because if the weeds are allowed to grow with the crops it will affect the beans and cause a change in its productivity
Importance of soya beans
As the legumes plant it is it also has it own importance some of which is
It is use in making soya milk that's for those who are ready to undergo the stress and the expenses attached to it, when making the milk some ingredients are needed some of which is crayfish or dry fish
It's use for making Tofu which is known as beske here , the beske can be made in two different ways either by frying it or cooking it , it's very soft and it looks whitish, it's well known for it richness in protein and iron
It is use to supplement meat, some even use it as meat if they can't afford money to buy meat
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