Vulnerability versus Food Security: Book
One of the main goals of agricultural development is to achieve food security, both at the individual, family, and community levels. Food is a basic human need that must be met at all times. The right to obtain food is a human right. Food has a very important meaning and role for the life of a nation.
The availability of food that is less than its needs can cause economic instability in a country. Various social and political upheavals can also occur if food security is disrupted and can even lead to a failed state. For Indonesia, food is often identified with rice because this type of food is the main staple food in most regions.
Given the importance of rice, the government is always trying to improve rice-based food security, especially from increased domestic production. This consideration is becoming increasingly important for Indonesia because of the increasing population with a wide population distribution and geographical distribution.
The definition of food security cannot be separated from Law Number 18 of 2012 concerning Food which states: "The condition of food fulfillment for the state down to individuals which is reflected in the availability of sufficient food, both in quantity and quality, safe, diverse, nutritious, evenly distributed, and affordable and does not conflict with religion, beliefs, and culture of the community to be able to live healthily, actively, and productively in a sustainable manner."
The Food Law not only talks about food security, but also clarifies and strengthens the achievement of food security by realizing food sovereignty with food self-sufficiency and food security. The three pillars of food security contained in the definition are availability, physical and economic accessibility, and stability that must be available and affordable at all times and in all places. If the three pillars of food security are met, then the community or household will be able to meet their respective food security.
Referring to the definition above, food security problems can occur if one element of food security is disrupted. However, in reality, the concept of security is often reduced to only emphasizing the elements of supply and price. Some even emphasize a narrower aspect, namely equating the concept of "food security" with "food self-sufficiency".
The three pillars of food security must be realized together and in balance. The pillar of availability can be met from both domestic and foreign production. The pillar of affordability can be seen from the existence of food that is physically close to consumers with the economic ability of consumers to be able to buy it. Meanwhile, the pillar of stability can be seen from the continuity of supply and price stability that households can expect anytime and anywhere (Indonesian Logistics Agency, 2014).
The current socio-ecological system also faces various unprecedented challenges such as ecosystem degradation, excessive exploitation of natural resources, climate change, wealth inequality, and human conflict. This can lead to food insecurity. Food insecurity is a multidimensional problem that can be interpreted as a condition of inability to obtain sufficient and appropriate food for a healthy life and good activities, both in the short and long term (Muyassir, 2010).
These interconnected challenges threaten sustainable community development (Kates and Parris, 2003; Rockstrom et al., 2009 in Brandt et al., 2013). Different interests offer conflicting analyses. Some emphasize the market, others prioritize citizens. Some see the role of the state as facilitative, others as oppressive. Some see prices as the sum of all values, others as externalized costs that must be internalized.
Some see food security as a developing country problem alone, others as a challenge to the world food system in different ways according to the level of development. In this policy debate, many actors and institutions are now involved. Most of the food security discourse is still about government, farmers, and the poor (Lang and Barling, 2012).
Household food security of farmers is the main goal of production activities and the main motivation for farmers in meeting their household food needs. Household food security will be able to reflect regional and regional food security of a region.[]
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