Smart Movement Pick: Monomad |


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The elections in Indonesia ended on February 14 2024. Now it is entering the lawsuit stage at the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia. In elections in Indonesia, participants who feel there is fraud can file a lawsuit at the Constitutional Court as a final option.

However, we are not discussing a political moment. This is about recording an activity of the voting community in a monomad photo parade. Many surrounding objects, both moving and not, are interesting to photograph and display in black and white, here in this photography community.

I took photos before the event and the distribution of door prizes for participants using a D-100 SLR camera. Not only those related to health walks and talk shows, I photographed and displayed all the objects around the Lhokseumawe City Museum and its surroundings.

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For example, children's toys are sold by traders in the Lhokseumawe Museum yard. Mass gathering, for traders, is an opportunity to sell more merchandise. Children's toys also become interesting objects when taken from a good and suitable angle.

Likewise with the traditional boat monument in front of the Lhokseumawe Museum. So far, the boat monument has often been ignored because it has been seen too often, apart from its small size, the object is not too conspicuous for visitors.

I also photographed a number of students with disabilities who are also voters in the 2024 elections in Lhokseumawe, Aceh, Indonesia. They motioned for me to take a photo, and I did so even though I didn't understand sign language.

During the prize distribution session, I photographed a mother with her child who received a bicycle as a prize. The mother pushed the bicycle with a happy face because she didn't expect to get the best prize.

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I also recorded other moments here, even though they were only small movements that humans usually make but went unnoticed, for example an MC wet his tongue or two visitors who pointed at me while taking photos.

I also photographed the Islamic Center Mosque which is the icon of Lhokseumawe City. This icon has been photographed too often and is featured frequently in this community. I show it again only as a complement because a group of pedestrians also passed by the mosque.

Thank you for the attention and support of all parties, especially @monochromes and the team. I really hope for input on this photo parade.[]


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